When? Where? What?
- When ? 10/10/2010
Where ? Kortrijk Xpo (Doorniksesteenweg 216)
What ? Dipro Micro Mega Market - Computerbeurs
- Wamukota
- Jean7491
- Matthew
- JanC
- Alain D. (vanaf 13 u.)
- 38 euros paid by public gifts
- IRC meeting for coordination: during the weekly meeting on 07/10/2010 at 21.00 hr. on IRC #ubuntu-be
- Promotion of the booth within Ubuntu-be community and locally ?
- Think about a good setup of the booth !
- Don't forget to add at the entrance of the fair posters inviting to the booth !
Stuff needed
paper, attachments, various
Banner Belgian LoCo Team : (Jean7491)
- Posters
- "Ubuntu highway to freedom is now open" (Jean7491)
- "Free your PC" (Jean7491)
- "Linux-Tux": no
- Simple posters for the entrance of the event : (Jean7491)
- Flyers 2009 Ubuntu-be : (Jean7491)
- Flyer use of live-CD : (need to be updated?)
- Sheet Informatie-Information_Ubuntu.odt : (version 10.04LTS?)
- Pen's : (?)
- Tablecloth : (Jean7491)
- 1 inflatable Tux : no
- x figuurtjes Tux : (no)
- Contribution urn : (Jean7491)
- Duct tape and other buro material : (Jean7491)
- 1 long power extension cords : (Jean7491)
- 3 power strips (4 sockets minimum) : (Jean7491)
- anti-theft cables for laptops : (Jean7491 (1))
- CD's ( 30 originals + 15 copies + blanco) + 20 paper bags: (Jean7491)
- boot-able USB sticks : (?)
- PC : (1 desktop (10.04LTS)no screen: Jean7491)
- laptops : (1(10.04LTS)x Jean7491)
- netbook : (1x Wamukota 10.04LTS), 1x JanC)
- additional flat screen s: (Matthew)
- eID card reader : (no)
- beamer + screen : (no)
- Audio set : (PC desktop has no audio-boxes) (?)
- External cd writer : (no)
- ...
- continuous slideshow Ubuntu_short_presentation-NL.odp, how to install 10.04LTS + 10.10 : (see wiki))
- ISO's on an USB stick (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Alternate, 64 bits, netbook, etc..) : (no)
Possibility of WiFi connection : 20 euros for a day
- ...
What else?
- Digital camera : (Jean7491), (Matthew)
- candies : (?)
- fresh drink : (?)
The fair was a fairly good event.
The team was composed of 4 volunteers from Ostend (2) and Brugge (2), with a reinforcement in the afternoon (1 local volunteer).
The booth was located close to the entry, good visible, more than 4 m. lenght and enough depth to set up the booth in U-form: despite a relatively narrow corridor, it was easier to attract visitors to our “Ubuntu-space” for more explanations and to fix their attention on demonstrations.
As usual, more visitors in the fair from the opening till 14.00 hr., and after a smaller but steady influx of visitors. The team was well busy all the day long.
A poster and flyer's were available at the entrance of the fair to inform and attract visitors to the booth, and it seems to be working.
With 1 PC for continuous presentation, with a 23” LCD screen, and 3 laptops for explanation and demonstrations, we had enough hardware, but not enough if we had to burn CD's !
We distributed approximately 120 cd's. We had a stock of 10.04LTS CD's from Canonical.
Finance :
- total of public gifts = 139,90 euros,
- charges : booth-fee (38 euros), wifi connection (20 euros),
- benefit : 81,90 euros for Ubuntu-be.
Lessons learned
- Ubuntu-be needs a volunteer from Kortrijk area who could help to find locally other volunteers and to coordinate the booth, as in the other areas.
- For a more visible promotion of the booth, we should use a support for posters or banner, higher than 2 m. : it needs to be simple, light and easy to transport in a car. White boards are available to fix posters/banner on it.