
Attachment 'ubuntu-be-irc-meeting-2010-06-02-log.txt'


   1 * Topic #ubuntu-be :  http://ubuntu-be.org | get supp http://ubuntu-be.org | get support at #ubuntu-nl, #ubuntu-fr, #ubuntu-de, #ubuntu | IRC meeting on 02/06/2010 at 21h, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/IrcMeetings for agenda and more information
   3 <jean7491> ok, Hi to all, who is here for the meeting ?
   4 <wamukota> Hello jean7491 , count me in
   5 <warddr> hello
   6 <jean7491> hello wamukota warddr
   7 <jean7491> anyone else for the meeting ?
   8 <warddr> I see last week meeting was canceled, due to not enough people present?
   9 <Robertf> Hello
  10 <JanC> hello all ☺
  11 <Robertf> is the meeting starting?
  12 <jean7491> hello Robertf and JanC
  13 <jean7491> we are now 5, anyone else for the meeting ?
  14 <Robertf> i'm ready
  15 <mongolito404> Hi
  16 <Robertf> JanC: it's a good idea to use the utc timezone in the topic..
  17 <jean7491> hello mongolito404
  18 <jean7491> i propose we start with topic 1. past and future events
  19 <Robertf> jean7491: futur event: Liege, ubuntu party, 12th June 2010 (Barricade)
  20 <jean7491> ok, Robertf, we speak about it later -  first item : install party ostend 29/05 - report
  21 <Robertf> ok
  22 <jean7491> approx. 20 participants, 3 Ubunteros, a good meeting with people well interested, and contacts for the future
  23 <JanC> nice!
  24 <jean7491> it was just a local initiative, but it works 
  25 <JanC> right, just the opposite of where I was last week  ;)
  26 <jean7491> and i hope other events later
  27 <jean7491> next item the libre graphics meeting (lgm), last week
  28 <jean7491> janC something to say ?
  29 <JanC> Libre Graphics Meeting -- 26th of June: Libre Graphics School (workshops for graphic design students) & 27-30 June: Libre Graphics Meeting
  30 <jean7491> june or may ?
  31 <JanC> eh, may
  32 <JanC> :P
  33 <JanC> I gave a short introduction to Ubuntu to the students at the start of LG-school
  34 <JanC> most people at the event were using Ubuntu I think, but also people using Mac OS X, Fedora, Windows
  35 <JanC> and some OpenSuse, maybe others
  36 <JanC> there were also 2 people from Canonicals design team (who I didn't really met), as well as one of the kernel developers giving a talk about future multitouch support in Ubuntu
  37 <warddr> multitouch in ubuntu would be nice :D Today I had an examination about all different types of touch screens
  38 <JanC> I also talked to several other people involved with Ubuntu: Nicolas Spalinger who does lots of font packaging in Debian/Ubuntu
  39 <JanC> warddr: multitouch works in lucid with some extra PPAs
  40 <JanC> (I can give you pointers outside the meeting)
  41 <JanC> also talked to Hong Phuc Dang from ubuntu vietnam locoteam shortly
  42 <JanC> (and got a t-shirt for FOSSAsia that she organizes this year ;) )
  43 <jean7491> JanC, perhaps you could post a detailled report in the mailing list ?
  44 <JanC> for those who want to see the talks, they are being uploaded to: http://river-valley.tv/conferences/lgm-2010
  45 <JanC> not everything is there yet, takes some time to process & upload everything
  46 <JanC> I can send some things to list, yeah
  47 * ttl- (~ttl@d5153A420.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be
  48 <jean7491> next item liege, ubuntu party, 12th June 2010
  49 <jean7491> Robertf, can you say more ? And post information in mailing list ?
  50 <Robertf> jean7491: i sent an e-mail to public@lilit.be to get a confirmation
  51 <Robertf> public@lilit.be is the lilit's mailing list
  52 <Robertf> jean7491: http://www.barricade.be (Samedi 12/Juin....)
  53 <jean7491> (as you know about this event) as soon as possible, please post details and links for information in ubuntu-be mailing list
  54 <Robertf> asbl Barricade, 19-21 rue Pierreuse, 4000 Liège
  55 <mongolito404> The event has been added on the website, see http://ubuntu-be.org/fr/content/293/linux-install-party-barricade
  56 <jean7491> ok
  57 <mongolito404> The page is only available in French
  58 <jean7491> anything else about this event ?
  59 <Robertf> mongolito404: May I translate the page?
  60 <mongolito404> Robertf: Yes, you need to have a Launchpad account and to be a member of the Event or the Web editor team
  61 <mongolito404> Robertf: We can sync. in private message if you need any help
  62 <jean7491> next item - planning events september 2010
  63 <Robertf> i've an account if i remember
  64 <jean7491> Robertf : please ask mongolito404 for details in private message, ...  we continue with the agenda
  65 <jean7491> as far as i know …
  66 <jean7491> 05/09 dipro ghent (we need a coordinator)
  67 <jean7491> 12/09 Dipro antwerp (bram is coordinator) 
  68 <jean7491> 18/09 software freedom day  ...
  69 <jean7491> we have to look for activities to organize or to participate in ... any proposal ?
  70 <warddr> I can be there in antwerp
  71 <JanC> maybe we can do a central SFD with different projects somewhere in Brussels or such?
  72 <jean7491> warddr, please send later a mail to bram
  73 <jean7491> JanC : can you explain it ?
  74 <JanC> just thinking aloud for now, but I think one central event might have more impact than several local events organised by one 1 group or association?
  75 <JanC> well, both have advantages and disadvantages, maybe...
  76 <jean7491> for one central event, we need more organization, and likely a robust local support (from association)in brussel
  77 <jean7491> brussel or elsewhere
  78 <warddr> And finding a location in Brussel isn't that easy I think
  79 <warddr> or it will be expensive
  80 <JanC> yes, I was thinking to ask the people who organised & helped organise LGM
  81 <JanC> they got the LGM location cheap or for free I think...
  82 <JanC> anyway, maybe it's a bit late for this year
  83 <jean7491> problem will be to constitute a local organizing team : we can't do it from ostend or brugge ...
  84 <JanC> right
  85 <jean7491> i suggest we think about it during the next 2 weeks and decide mid june what we will do ?
  86 <jean7491> other comment ?
  87 <warddr> I can also help on the day itself, but I also can't organize thing from here
  88 <jean7491> ok
  89 <jean7491> next event 26/09 Dipro Hasselt (claudio as coordinator) ...
  90 <jean7491> 26/09 nielse computer dag in cooperation with the local computer club  "monitor"  ...
  91 <jean7491> we will need a coordinator and a team for this event. are there volunteers ?
  92 <Robertf> bonne soirée, a bientot
  93 <jean7491> ok bye
  94 <warddr> I just took a look at the trains, and I can only get to Niel on weekdays :s
  95 <jean7491> ok
  96 <jean7491> other comment ?
  97 <jean7491> no comment, then next topic
  98 <jean7491> topic 2. promotion
  99 <JanC> warddr: there is a bus to Niel?
 100 <JanC> from Antwerp
 101 <warddr> If I go first to lier, than to antwerp-brechem, than to antwerp-south, and there I can get a bus
 102 <JanC> ah, that way  ;)
 103 <warddr> apoximately 1h25 minutes
 104 <warddr> And that's a litle long
 105 <JanC> you'd be faster by walking?  ;)
 106 <jean7491> ok warddr, don't worry, we have time to find volunteers !
 107 <JanC> also, maybe somebody can pick you up
 108 <JanC> (by car)
 109 <jean7491>  topic 2 - promotion : first item - ubuntu-be public relations team ...
 110 <warddr> If someone can, I can be there
 111 <jean7491> we now have a fr press contact, now, we need a nl press contact 
 112 <jean7491> comment ?
 113 <jean7491> no comment, then next item ...
 114 <jean7491> next item update promotion material, ...
 115 <jean7491> especially a new banner for identification of the ubuntu-be team in events
 116 <jean7491> feel free to participate to the exchange in the mailing list
 117 <jean7491> comment on this item ?
 118 <mongolito404> For what I've seen, other LocO are almost all going for the "new" Ubuntu logo followed by the country two letter code
 119 <mongolito404> See for instance http://ubuntu-za.org/
 120 <warddr> There are lots of possible new banner in the mailinglist, maybe we can pick a deadline and make a poll and vote
 121 <mongolito404> A poll is probably the best option
 122 <jean7491> with only a few reactions in the mailing list, it seems to me that not 10 people are interested in this question: a pool with less then 10 ?
 123 <mongolito404> If we can narrow the poll to 5 propositions, we may gain more votes
 124 <jean7491> who can organize a pool in launchpad - be loco team ?
 125 <mongolito404> I think everybody can
 126 <mongolito404> If I'm wrong, I can (being an admin of the team)
 127 <mongolito404> I suggest we start a new thread on the ML asking for submission (1 week), during next meeting, we select 5 (or less) submission and open a poll for one or two weeks
 128 <JanC> I'd suggest we don't make anything final before the new font is available...
 129 <warddr> good idea
 130 <mongolito404> We can decide on an "incomplete" design that should use the font
 131 <JanC> it should be available in beta "soon"
 132 <warddr> but we can choose a temorary one
 133 <mongolito404> The font is supposed to be released "soon". I recall a dent (a tweet on indenti.ca) from someone with early access to font (the .ttf file)
 134 <jean7491> ok, the poll should be in launchpad - be loco team as only members of the loco team are concerned (and not all mailing list readers)
 135 <mongolito404> So I think we can gow with incomplete designs to be finalized once the font is available
 136 <mongolito404> Yes, the poll would be restricted to Ubuntu-be member on LP
 137 <mongolito404> There is a large overlap between the ML and members on LP but these are two different group.
 138 <jean7491> if the existing letters u b u n t u do not change, we only wait for 1 letter "e"
 139 <mongolito404> yes
 140 * wamukota est parti (Quit: Bye)
 141 <jean7491> who will write the new thread in the ml ?
 142 <mongolito404> http://identi.ca/notice/34080550
 143 <mongolito404> http://ln.dmcd.net/ubuntu you can find an "e" in this PDF
 144 <mongolito404> I can write the mail. You known my style so you known what to expect :D
 145 <jean7491> ok, 
 146 <jean7491> topic 3. support points map status 
 147 <mongolito404> I didn't take the time to work on it. So nothing has changed.
 148 <mongolito404> I think I've the text for the email
 149 <mongolito404> I finally have an empty WE scheduled this WE so I should find some time to finish the import and send the mail.
 150 <jean7491> ok, anything else ?
 151 <JanC> mongolito404: if you see any issues with mails from the ubuntu-be VPS not being accepted by receiving mailservers, please poke me
 152 <mongolito404> JanC: Did you fixed it ?
 153 <mongolito404> The last time I checked it was working. This was when I notified you of the issue here.
 154 <JanC> the mailserver as is is RFC-compliant AFAIK (and has been for > 1 week), but some ISPs are stupid and not RFC-compliant, so I want to be sure it works with at least the most-used mail providers...  ;)
 155 <mongolito404> ok
 156 <jean7491> if nothing else,  next topic things living in the mailing list 
 157 <jean7491> first item - new activities or events ? any proposal ?
 158 <jean7491> no comment ? then next item ...
 159 <jean7491> next item - update wiki page responsibility – not yet complete
 160 <jean7491> if no comment ? next item :  questions not announced in the agenda ? 
 161 <JanC> there is the t-shirt proposal on the list, but let's people discuss it further there
 162 <JanC> and what's incomplete on the wiki page?
 163 <jean7491> cedric to be replace, dutch press contact, who is Alexandre Laurent ?
 164 * pvandewyngaerde (~id984031@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be
 165 <jean7491>  something else to discuss ?
 166 <mongolito404> comment: I'm happy to see the tshirt thread on the mailing list
 167 <warddr> mongolito404, I'll take some time finding thing out
 168 <warddr> I'm now looking for fair-trade alterantives, and they are around
 169 <JanC> warddr:  might be useful
 170 <JanC> eh, http://www.schonekleren.be/ might be useful  :P
 171 <mongolito404> warddr: could you ping me here about it later. My brother had a tshirt website some years ago and he still have some contact in the business. So I'm may ask him if you recall me.
 172 <warddr> Of cource, you can always mail me as well,  ward dot ubuntu@gmail.com
 173 <mongolito404> He has already looked and has been advised to avoid Stedman because of the poor quality and business practice (for what I understood)
 174 <warddr> I'm now looking at this: http://www.acp-prints.be/
 175 <warddr> They offer fair-trade t-shirts, and green ink
 176 <mongolito404> nice
 177 <warddr> But i'll figure all of that out after my examinations
 178 <JanC> always make sure they are certified by an independent organisation  ;)
 179 <warddr> That site is working with the FAIRTRADEFOUNDATION, here is a whole article about it:  http://www.mvovlaanderen.be/over-mvo/nieuws/zeefdrukatelier-acp-maakt-werk-van-duurzame-kleding
 180 <JanC> in that case it sounds legit
 181 <JanC> http://www.switcher.com/ is also a t-shirt manufacturer with a very good reputation, but maybe not available in .be
 182 <warddr> I'll bookmark it
 183 <warddr> I'll ask some prices, but we need to know how much, and wich print, before anyone can give us a price
 184 <JanC> warddr: ACP sounds very legit from what I can find, and fairly local for you too  ;)
 185 <warddr> 33 km away
 186 <warddr> But I study in antwerp, and it's not that far from antwerp
 187 <warddr> I'll give them a call and ask for the posibility's
 188 <warddr> does anyone have an idea about the number of t-shirts?
 189 <warddr> We can sell them at releaseparty's and @fosdem, If they're cheap (like as most €10) I think we can sell a lot of them
 190 <JanC> ordering less gives us the chance to change them more often though
 191 <warddr> Yes, but the more we order the cheaper
 192 <JanC> you might want to ask prices for several typical order quantities
 193 <JanC> warddr: cheaper is not the only criterium IMO
 194 <warddr> no, that's why I'm comparing some of the company's
 195 <JanC> I'm pretty sure taht some people will buy one once or twice every year if they are different  ;)
 196 <mongolito404> I know I'll
 197 <JanC> but maybe not if they are the same
 198 <JanC> so that might be relevant for total sales
 199 <warddr> There you've got a point, If I know something more about prices I'll make a detailled report @ the mailinglist
 200 <JanC> and I doubt selling at 10 € instead of 8 € will make a lot of difference for example
 201 <warddr> Anyone any suggestion about the print?
 202 <JanC> also, promoting Ubuntu is at least as important as making money  ;)
 203 <mongolito404> Some random notes
 204 <warddr> indeed, if we have cheep t-shirts we'll sell more, more people will wear it, more promotion
 205 <mongolito404> If printing on anything other than white, you should pay for an additional "white" color for background
 206 <jean7491> ok warddr, please post report, question and proposal in the m-l for more reactions
 207 <JanC> warddr: they should be able to get you some quotes for 1 color, 2 colors, vs. full color
 208 <warddr> I know from fosdem that people don't like white t-shirts
 209 <mongolito404> Use simple design, avoid gradient and then line
 210 <mongolito404> s/then/thin
 211 <warddr> Ok I know what to do. I've got examinations till the 16th of this month, after that I'll work on it
 212 <warddr> thanks for the suggestions all!
 213 <mongolito404> A nice one-color tee may sell better than another Ubuntu logo on black
 214 <jean7491> if no other comment, ...  i've 1 question : do we need weekly regular meetings in june - july and august ? ...
 215 <mongolito404> About color, the purple in the new branding is for Corporate stuffs
 216 <JanC> gradients are possible, but can't be 300dpi like flyer prints  ;)
 217 <JanC> and solid colors often work better
 218 <mongolito404> JanC: gradient are possible, but harder to print. So for small order you may get bad quality because the printer can't afford too many "test" prints
 219 <JanC> mongolito404: right
 220 <JanC> especially for multi-color gradients
 221 <warddr> Those thing I know, I had examination about printig techniques today
 222 <JanC> warddr  ☺
 223 <mongolito404> :D
 224 <warddr> Only printers and tv's
 225 <warddr> I'll make some possible designs in inkscape.
 226 <warddr> And we can always change them, but then we've got an idea about the price
 227 <jean7491> sorry to interupt the item, but i've to leave, and before that : i propose only 1 meeting in june (16/6?), none in july and 1 meeting in august (18/8), and eventual on call meetings  
 228 <JanC> maybe we can make orange t-shirts with white print  ;)
 229 <warddr> We'll first answer jean7491's question, and chat a litle more about it later (today or some other day)
 230 <mongolito404> I already have a white on orange tee
 231 <warddr> jean7491, that's ok for me
 232 <warddr> I'll try to report about the t-shirts on 16/06
 233 <mongolito404> I don't chnage my schedule much during the summer, only more BBQ :D
 234 <JanC> we can also decide on further meeting on 16/6
 235 <warddr> I've got more spare time, no school (If I don't have herexamens --> sory don't know the english word)
 236 <JanC> mongolito404: you propose to invite us for BBQ?  :P
 237 <warddr> good idea :D
 238 <jean7491> ok for me, the next irc meeting on 16/06/2010 at 21 h. (not next week !)
 239 <mongolito404> ok
 240 <warddr> ok
 241 <jean7491> thanks to all for contribution , have a good night, bye
 242 <mongolito404> 2 weeks to submit, 2 weeks for poll. New banner in 4 weeks...
 243 <mongolito404> good night all

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