
Attachment 'ubuntu-be-irc-meeting-2010-10-14-log.txt'


   1 <jean7491> Hi to all, who is here for the meeting ?
   2 <ILUsion> me
   3 <Clamam> hello
   4 <massimo21> hi
   5 <Wamukota> hi
   6 * janb (4e14f3eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #ubuntu-be
   7 <JanC_> o/
   8 * JanC_ s'appelle maintenant JanC
   9 * janb est parti (Client Quit)
  10 * jbongaerts (4e14f3eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #ubuntu-be
  11 <jean7491> hello ILUsion Clamam wamukota JanC
  12 <Javache> hi
  13 <s3v> hi
  14 <jbongaerts> hi, this is my first time on IRC. Forgive me if I fumble.
  15 <jean7491> hello Javache s3v  and welcome jbongaerts
  16 <massimo21> don't worry
  17 <jean7491> hi massimo21
  18 <jbongaerts> i see jean is in red. Does that mean jean is presiding the meeting?
  19 * ikke666 (5741803b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. a rejoint #ubuntu-be
  20 <Wamukota> no, it simply means your nick is in the line
  21 <jean7491> not presiding, just leading the meeting
  22 <jean7491> we start with the 1st topic ...
  23 <jean7491> topic #1.  future events -  October - update
  24 <jean7491>  item #1  Dipro Kortrijk (10/10) - report
  25 <jean7491> successful event, see report and pictures in wiki
  26 <jean7491> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Kortrijk_2010-10-10
  27 <jean7491> comments JanC of wamukota ?
  28 <Wamukota> wifi was a bit expensive at 20€ for the day, for the rest no comments
  29 <JanC> wifi was more than a bit expensive, but fortunately we got a lot of gifts...
  30 <JanC> in Bruges we such have free wifi I think
  31 <jean7491> imho idd too expensive, and not always necessary
  32 <JanC> if the free wifi network here covers the Beurshalle
  33 <jean7491> JanC : we will see in brugge ?
  34 <ILUsion> was the wifi shared among all of you or did everybody buy wifi for himself?
  35 <jean7491> no other comment for kortrijk ?
  36 <JanC> ILUsion: one person bought but got refunded from gifts money
  37 <Wamukota> no further comments from me
  38 <jean7491> ILUsion : in fact 1 took initiative to look for wifi for the group ...
  39 <jean7491> item #2 Dipro Brugge (17/10) 
  40 <ILUsion> perhaps for a future fair at kortrijk, perhaps you could take along a wireless router to share among all users
  41 <jean7491> core team : 4 volunteers from brugge and oostende, volunteers are still welcome for a few hours ?
  42 <JanC> ILUsion: it's not really important to have wifi on all machines
  43 <jean7491> ILUsion : idd, usually we had another support in kortrijk to avoid that cost, but not last sunday
  44 <jean7491> Coordination through wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Brugge_2010-10-17
  45 <jean7491> i understood yanu will take initiative for wifi or 3g connextion
  46 <jean7491> other questions for brugge ?
  47 * ikke666 est parti (Quit: Page closed)
  48 <jean7491> wamukota JanC or yanu : no question ?
  49 <Wamukota> no jean7491
  50 <jean7491> if no question or comment, next item ...
  51 <jean7491> item #3   release party 10.10
  52 * s3v^ (~s3v@92.241-201-80.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be
  53 <jean7491> rp  in brussel 17/10 : details in website/agenda, ...
  54 <jean7491> i've no information about other parties ?
  55 * s3v est parti (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  56 <JanC> oh, BTW, about Bruges: I should have the new 10.10 CDs tomorrow
  57 <Wamukota> cool
  58 <JanC> not sure what we should do with leftover 10.04 CDs now...
  59 <Wamukota> put them in the 10:10 sleeves ;-)
  60 <JanC> maybe leave them behind in public spaces...  ;)
  61 <jbongaerts> I may be able to use the 10.04s. more later
  62 <jbongaerts> indeed. I was thinking about a school.
  63 <Wamukota> it is a LTS, so we can always distribute them
  64 <jean7491> JanC take both versions in dipro brugge, we will see there how to proceed
  65 <JanC> yep, no problem
  66 <ILUsion> I think Wakunota makes a valid point: LTS so not really outdated
  67 <jean7491> btw do you have cd-stand to present  the cd's ?
  68 * massimo21 est parti (Remote host closed the connection)
  69 <JanC> I have at least 1 or 2 CD stands I think
  70 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a rejoint #ubuntu-be
  71 <jean7491> will be usefull, idd 10.04lts is not oudated
  72 <JanC> and I expect I will get extra with the new CDs
  73 <jean7491> other information about release parties or parties 10.10 ?
  74 <jean7491> if no, next item ...
  75 <jean7491> item #4 about importance of the booth/event reports (and pictures) ...
  76 <jean7491> I already stressed the importance of booth/activity reports with links in our monthly report …
  77 <jean7491> have a look at the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue213
  78 <jean7491> comment ?
  79 <massimo21> do we need one to?
  80 <jean7491> i mean : the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter 213 mentions our activities with links for the month september
  81 <Wamukota> who entered our loco team agenda?
  82 <jean7491> you mean report or agenda ?
  83 <Wamukota> well, what is written about the Belgian Team, the reports with their links
  84 <Wamukota> and the activities we did
  85 <JanC> for September: jean7491 started it and I made a couple of additions/changes
  86 <Wamukota> nice effort
  87 <JanC> now we need to keep up doing it every month  ☺
  88 <Wamukota> you did a fine job with the first entry ... LOL
  89 <JanC> for October?  ☺
  90 <jbongaerts> I'm sorry to be blunt, but is this news letter worth the effort? Who is reading it?
  91 <jean7491> we already started to do something in october, now just report about it ...
  92 <jbongaerts> It's the first time I see it.
  93 <jbongaerts> I didn't even know it existed.
  94 <JanC> some people read it, and anyway, it's useful to have these reports when we have to come up for reapproval and such
  95 <Wamukota> yes, it is also a tactical move, proving our presence on the field
  96 <jbongaerts> Oh I see. It's reporting back upstream, not for downstream marketing?
  97 <JanC> yes, this is a newsletter for the Ubuntu community
  98 <Wamukota> correct me, but you can have it emailed to your postbox isn't it?
  99 <JanC> so as a member of a locoteam you can see what the server team does or whatever
 100 <JanC> Wamukota: at least an announcement when a new edition is out
 101 <Wamukota> Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to you via email at: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news
 102 <JanC> yes, I checked and it's the complete newsletter they mail
 103 <JanC> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/2010-October/000292.html
 104 <jbongaerts> Would there be a way of automating this entry?
 105 <JanC> jbongaerts: they auto-include a specifically-named wiki page automaticly, we just have to make it
 106 <JanC> and it's not that much work to write 5-10 lines...
 107 <jbongaerts> So the issue is that all activities should be logged on the Wiki?
 108 * Wamukota est parti (Quit: Ik ga weg)
 109 <JanC> at least the most important ones, yes
 110 <JanC> it's not that difficult as long as people make reports etc.
 111 <JanC> and inform the mailing list about activities
 112 <jbongaerts> Fair enough. In order to prevent wildposting, would it be wise to have a central point/person where all reports go, and wiki reports are created from there?
 113 * Clamam (~claudio@d54C1F823.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be
 114 * Clamam (~claudio@d54C1F823.access.telenet.be) a rejoint #ubuntu-be
 115 * Clamam (~claudio@d54C1F823.access.telenet.be) a quitté #ubuntu-be
 116 <JanC> jbongaerts: as long as events are announced on the mailing list, the person/people who make the monthly team report know about them
 117 <ILUsion> Doesn't that beat the point of having a wiki: if you centralize all contents, there is no need for a wiki
 118 <JanC> ILUsion: right
 119 <JanC> if people add their own events to the wiki that's even better  ;)
 120 <jean7491> as teams for events/fair are only 3 to 6 people, the coordination is within the team to write the report, no need of centralization
 121 <jean7491> other comment ... or next topic  ?
 122 <jbongaerts> I have not made a wiki before.
 123 <jbongaerts> I guess their is a certain stage fear for people to publish something on their own as well?
 124 <jbongaerts> Once I know how to do it, I guess it's childs play.
 125 <JanC> you can always ask for help  ☺
 126 <jbongaerts> But if we feel everyone should do their own reporting, then there should be a clear set of instructions on how to do it on our site?
 127 <jean7491>  just see the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Kortrijk_2010-10-10, ... then edit it and have a look how it appears
 128 <jbongaerts> Maybe be also a set of guide lines of what to say and how to say it?
 129 <JanC> in general most events have at least one experienced person
 130 <ILUsion> That is a fair point. Also, I find the structure of the wiki a little daunting to wrap your head around. But I'm afraid a lot of it might be beyond our control?
 131 <JanC> and in any case, the wiki stores previous versions, so if you accidentally delete a bunch of text, we can get it back...  ;)
 132 <JanC> ILUsion: most of the time the only thing people have to do is editing an existing page
 133 <jbongaerts> if you edit a page, does it get saved under a new name? or are you actually overwriting?
 134 <ILUsion> true; but when creating a new page as suggested, I do not see where to create this or how to put it in some kind of relation to other pages
 135 <JanC> ILUsion: you can ask for help with that when you need it  ☺
 136 <ILUsion> jbongaerts:  you overwrite the page. But that's the point: information is to be added or removed (which can be tracked in the versions saved)
 137 <JanC> jbongaerts: it's saved under the same name, but it stores revisions
 138 <jbongaerts> then how do you make a new page, when starting a new report?
 139 <jean7491> a report is not a page ! most of the time you don't need to create a page, other people already created necessary pages for coordinating events
 140 <JanC> just surf to the new page and it will ask "it doesn't exist, do you want to create it?"
 141 <jbongaerts> OK, I think I'm starting to get the drift.
 142 <JanC> example of the revisions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Brugge_2010-10-17?action=info
 143 <jean7491> create a page ? but only to create a page for a new event
 144 <JanC> yeah, like I said in most cases it's not needed
 145 <jbongaerts> how do you look for a page? to see if there was one created for the event you want to write something about?
 146 <massimo21> do you mean the main page?
 147 <JanC> for computer fairs they should be linked from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/
 148 <JanC> otherwise somewhere from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ or a subpage of that
 149 <jbongaerts> well. let's say I want to know if someone already made a page for release party of 11.04, because I want to add mine?
 150 <jean7491> home page of the be loco team is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam and activities in par. 9
 151 <JanC> you can also always ask on the ML  ☺
 152 <JanC> or on IRC
 153 <massimo21> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReleaseParty
 154 <JanC> also, if you try to make a new page, it lists pages with a similar name
 155 <jbongaerts> that's clever.
 156 <jbongaerts> sorry i seem to be full a sh!t. I am just playing the devil's advocate here, and trying to prevent all sorts of mayhem if too many people start posting wikis
 157 <JanC> does anybody have more questions about the wiki?
 158 <jean7491> you look for rp ? see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam > and activities in par. 9> 3d line release parties, ...
 159 <JanC> jbongaerts: a good rule of tumb is always: "if in doubt, ask"
 160 <JanC> thumb
 161 <jean7491> other comment ... or next topic  ?
 162 * s3v^ est parti (Quit: Ik ga weg)
 163 <jean7491> if no comment ... next topic # 2. Promotion
 164 <jean7491> item #1 Adding  links to the website
 165 <jean7491>  see page  http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/462/links (only in nl. and en. For now)
 166 <jean7491>  remember details in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/Commercial_links
 167 <jean7491> feel free to relay the information to interested people/companies/organizations through personal contacts 
 168 <jean7491> comment ?
 169 <massimo21> i had contact with the bitmapperqs
 170 <massimo21> bitmappers
 171 <massimo21> they will send a mail
 172 <jean7491> ok
 173 <jean7491> other comment ?
 174 <jean7491>  item #2  t-shirts for Ubuntu-be  ...
 175 <massimo21> wardr still not here
 176 <jean7491> as warddr (leading the project is not available today) we wait for his initiative or to call for a special meeting to progress. … comments ?
 177 <massimo21> i think that someone should mke contact with wardr and ask him
 178 <ILUsion> massimo21:  I agree. We have been waiting for weeks now
 179 <jean7491> i mailed him yesterday, and he answered he has no time now due to school work
 180 <jean7491> comment ?
 181 <massimo21> what does he suggest?
 182 <jbongaerts> schoolwork? In October? He probably means studentendopen! :-)
 183 <ILUsion> student baptisms only start in a few weeks (at least in Brussels)
 184 <jbongaerts> They're in full swing here in Antwerp.
 185 <jbongaerts> Anyway. We are digressing...
 186 <jean7491> idd  next item # 3 ubuntu and facebook 
 187 <jean7491>   http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=87950312093&v=wall 
 188 <massimo21> still ok
 189 <jean7491> suggestions and proposition to improve our facebook image are welcome, … comment ?
 190 <ILUsion> indeed. What for do we need ward's input? What questions do we still have regarding these T-shirts?
 191 <massimo21> we need a final vote i think
 192 <ILUsion> A final vote is IMHO not up to ward as a doodle has already been set up (and finished, I thought)
 193 <jean7491> he has to organize the final choice between 3 pre-selected designs and care for the rest (buying, logistic, ...)
 194 <massimo21> that is what i ment
 195 <ILUsion> Can't we just mail our questions to ward; that way he can take the time to answer any questions without the obligation to attend the meeting?
 196 <massimo21> or a special meeting at least
 197 <jean7491> i suggested him a special meeting, it is up to him
 198 <jbongaerts> i think personal mails are better. Then there is no stress of attending a meeting on time.
 199 <ILUsion> Isn't it faster to just mail him
 200 <ILUsion> I concur with jbongaerts. Meetings are quite long, tedious and require all participants to attend at the same time. Mails might not get an immediate response but apparently using IRC meetings takes weeks to get things done.
 201 <massimo21> i agree
 202 <jean7491> ... just do it ... !
 203 <jean7491> as we have to wait, i suggest next  ... item 4. ubuntu and education
 204 <ILUsion> jean7491:  who are you talking to?
 205 <JanC> IRC meetings are to discuss progress, not for all organization  ;)
 206 <jean7491> ILUsion my point was that if you need to mail to ward about t-shirts , just do it
 207 <jean7491> and i was suggesting next item about ubuntu and education
 208 <jbongaerts> go ahead, jean.
 209 <jean7491> and asking for suggestion/comment ?
 210 <jbongaerts> well, I'm still trying to organise this introduction for this school teacher in Aalter.
 211 <jean7491> in the m-l, there were 2 subjects : jbongaerts and Javache ...
 212 <jean7491> go ahead jbongaerts
 213 <Javache> oh that's right
 214 <Javache> i'm looking for someone to help us with an evening session on ubuntu
 215 <jbongaerts> There is the IT teacher in a school in Aalter, wishing to introduce linux to his students of 15-17 yrs old.
 216 <jbongaerts> The guy has quite a few fancy laptops on which we can demo the system by CD.
 217 <jbongaerts> He is also willing to give one system for a full installation, where we can demo all features.
 218 <jbongaerts> I was thinking of first giving some demo's of some tasks they did under Windows, and do them in Ubuntu.
 219 <jbongaerts> Then, on the fly, explain some important differences to Windows.
 220 <jbongaerts> Then, show off some fancy stuff on the full install.
 221 <jbongaerts> I would need some expertise though.
 222 <ILUsion> I like your idea to show off some stuff on Windows and compare to Ubuntu, but you might keep in mind that you may lose some time over the Windows demo (50 minutes is quite short to demo something)
 223 <jbongaerts> I need to brainstorm about the presentation, and I need to learn a few things about the theory myself first.
 224 <jbongaerts> ILUsion, I would not show off anything on Windows.
 225 <jbongaerts> Only on a full Ubuntu install.
 226 <ILUsion> oh, okay then :)
 227 <massimo21> i have to go now
 228 <massimo21> good night
 229 <massimo21> ;-)
 230 * massimo21 (~massimo21@ a quitté #ubuntu-be
 231 <jbongaerts> Anyway, I would need to brush up about some important features, and why they are better in Ubuntu, such as registry, RAM usage, cache, security,...
 232 <jbongaerts> So I could do with a volunteer to join me on a meeting with this teacher, and to help me prepare this lesson.
 233 <Javache> jbongaerts: i'd focus on end-user features
 234 <Javache> ram/registry is not really relevant
 235 <jbongaerts> End-user indeed, but in order to be convincing, I need to know my stuff.
 236 <jbongaerts> I don't want to say something that is untrue.
 237 <Javache> for the presentation at UGent, november 7th will probably work
 238 <jbongaerts> If I make a statement that RAM management is better in Ubuntu, that is enough for most, but I need to back that up with solid info if asked for it.
 239 <Javache> *november 9th
 240 <jbongaerts> I could do 9/11 if I have something to present by then.
 241 <ILUsion> RAM management is not an easy subject; also contrary to popular belief: better 95% used RAM than 10% (because in 95% you might have more caching, so faster). Both Ubuntu and Win Vista/7 try to cache a lot; Win XP is not a champ at caching
 242 <jbongaerts> See, I would need to discuss things like that in person with an expert. Trying this here won't work. Wrong medium.
 243 <ILUsion> very true
 244 <jbongaerts> I think I should start a wiki page!
 245 <Javache> jbongaerts: you are welcome to run through your presentation with a bunch of people from our working group
 246 <jbongaerts> Javache, sounds like a good idea. We should stay in touch.
 247 <jbongaerts> I think we mailed before?
 248 <Javache> jbongaerts: you answered to my mail looking for a speaker ;)
 249 <jbongaerts> yep. Thought as much.
 250 <jean7491> jbongaerts : email me about the wiki page you need and whith which link to create it, i'll help
 251 <Javache> we've done ubuntu lessons before, but we want to try a little different formula
 252 <jbongaerts> So the short and sweet of it: I am willing at giving some lectures or presentations, and I believe they are important. But I need expertise to help me back up the practice with the theory.
 253 <jbongaerts> I have very little expertise in IT. Last time I buggered around with code was on my Commodore 64!
 254 <jean7491> other comment on the topic ?
 255 <ILUsion> I'm willing to help you with the technical background
 256 <Javache> jbongaerts: well your presentations should cater to end users, as long as you can tell them about the end user features of ubuntu
 257 <Javache> the technical aspects don't really matter that much
 258 <jbongaerts> thanks ILUsion. Please watch the wiki and/or mail me.
 259 <ILUsion> Javache:  indeed, users care about the user experience (and a certain wow-factor), very little about technicities (but they do care about less spyware :) )
 260 <jbongaerts> Javache, you're right when it comes to the end product, but there is an important rule in teaching. If you need to teach a little heap of knowledge, you need to have a big heap of knowledge.
 261 <jbongaerts> (have, own, possess,...)
 262 <ILUsion> That's right: you will need more experience with Ubuntu than your students, so if you use Ubuntu daily for a few weeks/months, that is a large part of that background
 263 <jbongaerts> then the next thing. Should I focus on 10.04 or 10.10?
 264 <jbongaerts> 10.04 is LTS, and 10.10 is so new I'm afraid to encounter some glitches.
 265 <ILUsion> 10.10 I think but both only differ in details IMHO
 266 <jbongaerts> but then again, it IS the newest.
 267 <Javache> jbongaerts: the differences are minor, i'd use the latest version
 268 <jbongaerts> OK.
 269 <jean7491> can we continue with next topics ?
 270 <Javache> sure, feel free to mail me jbongaerts if you have technical questions
 271 <jbongaerts> Fine. I think I'll start with a wiki (jean, I'll mail), and try to meet with Javache, and the teacher in Aalter.
 272 <jbongaerts> Time for me to catch some zzz's. I've got an early start tomorrow. Cheers guys.
 273 <jean7491> topic # 3. Update Wiki : we already spoke about the wiki , we skip the topic
 274 <jean7491> topic# 4. Support points map status : migration is going on - but no statistics
 275 <jean7491> next topic # 5. Things living in the mailing list and others questions ?
 276 * jbongaerts est parti (Quit: Page closed)
 277 <jean7491> do you have questions not in the agenda ?
 278 <jean7491> ... before the last question about the next meeting ?
 279 <Javache> jean7491: what are the possibilities for receiving 10.10 cd's?
 280 <JanC> Javache: by what date?
 281 <Javache> i like to have a small stock in our student basement to distribute
 282 <Javache> JanC: no immediate deadline
 283 <JanC> I should receive a box of 400 CDs tomorrow
 284 <Javache> well, preferably before begin november, if we have our linux lesson then
 285 <JanC> JanC: and where should they arrive?
 286 <JanC> Javache: ^^^
 287 <JanC> (wrong autocomplete)
 288 <Javache> JanC: Zeus WPI, krijgslaan 281, S9, gent :)
 289 <JanC> Javache: how many would you need?
 290 <Javache> a pack of 20 would be awesome
 291 <JanC> and do you need Ubuntu, Kubuntu and/or Server?
 292 <Javache> ubuntu desktop
 293 <JanC> I can add some server & kubuntu to that
 294 <Javache> some kubuntu would be cool to play with it, but i think we have some burned server cd's laying around
 295 <Javache> we don't need to distribute those as much :)
 296 <JanC> it's just that we have server CDs leftover most of the time  ;)
 297 <JanC> you can't distribute those to new users  ;)
 298 <Javache> JanC: you can always add them to the bunch if you have no other use for them
 299 <JanC> exactly
 300 <Javache> we'll take good care of them
 301 <jean7491> other question ?
 302 <JanC> only some extra question for Javache, but we can discuss after the meeting
 303 <jean7491> ok ... then  last topic, next irc meeting ? proposed on wednesday 20/10 or thursday 21/10 at 21 h. ? preference ?
 304 * Guest91112 est parti (Quit: Ex-Chat)
 305 <JanC> no preference
 306 <jean7491>  ... no preference? on my side i prefer thursday 21/10 at 21 h.
 307 <JanC> okay then  ☺
 308 <jean7491> ok
 309 <jean7491> end of meeting - thanks to all for your participation, and have a good night !

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