
On this page the Settings, Specs, Packages, etc.. Will be list for the Ubuntu-be ISO. Furthermore It will include a step by step guide about how to make the custom ISO using Remastersys


Test System

As a test system I used an Oracle VirtualBox VM. I ran it on my Dual Core Acer Laptop. One thing to keep in mind though: If you use a VM for this, make sure you have the Oracle VB, Virtualbox-ose doesn't support USB drives, those are very useful to get your actual ISO out of the system. I used a normal dynamically expanding 8GB disk.

Test ISO

Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal 32Bit


We'll take it that you already created a VM inside Oracle VirtualBox.

  • Mount/Insert your Original/Official Ubuntu disk.
  • Launch Ubuntu (I used the 'normal' CD not the alternate mode, this one seems to go faster with installing anyhow)
  • Double Click the Installer
  • Let Ubuntu use the whole disk
  • I installed 3rd party plugins by default + I downloaded the updates during install
    • We need to evaluate if we mark these things in the real installation

  • Following, I used these settings/preferences:
    • Default Installed language: English
    • Location: Brussels
    • Keyboard: Belgium Belgium
    • Install name: Ubuntu
    • Computer name: Ubuntu-PC
    • Username: ubuntu
    • Password: ubuntu
    • Login Automatically
    • Home Folder: Unencrypted
  • Let the Installation Finish
  • Restart (duh)
  • Remove Installation Media when asked

Your installation is now complete!

Unity Troubles

In this version (11.04) Unity isn't loaded in VirtualBox by default, the system warns you about the fact that it's gonna drop back to the classic mode. (Note: the original LiveCD test also showed the Classic Gnome 2.6 Mode, however it didn't say anything about that on boot; (which is a good thing because the error message looks Damn Ugly)) Just let it do it's thing, it'll be just fine. However, the actual consequences of making the remastered ISO without having Unity on the 'host' machine should be investigated!

Update & Customize

  • Update your system. We also need to look in this part of updating, do we include this in the final version?

  • Restart to complete updates

It's now time to customize our installation.

Things to change:

  • Set ubuntu-be.org as Homepage on Firefox
  • Set an Ubuntu-be Wallpaper as default (For now I also put those in the /pictures folder)
  • Install extra Packages:
    • sudo apt-get install beidgui extcalc

      • I installed extcalc purely for testing reasons, this shouldn't be in the final iso

      • We need to say if we include Belgacom, Telenet,.. stuff; if so, add the package files to the list above
      • Same for the nVidia and Ati drivers etc. 1 other thing: how do we install those?
        • I added some nVidia drivers for testing purposes
      • We should put a sudo apt-get update in front of that..
  • Language: install Dutch; Flemish, French and German. Make sure all components are installed
    • We can and we should look which are the package names for this and add those to the above apt-get line.
  • In the other tab of the Language Settings, we should put 'Regional Settings' to "something belgian"
    • Regional Settings are the same
    • Make sure you press 'Apply System-Wide'
  • Set the clock and date like it is supposed to
    • Click the time in the top bar and set following stuff
      • 24h time
      • We should decide if we show 'week days', 'date & month' etc

  • Install remastersys
    • Find all info here: http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/ubuntu.html

    • Add following line to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/repository karmic/

      • Note, you should change karmic/ to the correct name if a newer version is available. There isn't a separate one for natty, so we'll just use the karmic one.
    • Update your software list: sudo apt-get update

    • Actually install remastersys with sudo apt-get install remastersys

      • He'll ask if you trust remastersys installation blah blah blah.. just say yes!
  • Clear Browser History + Files in Download Folder
  • Use terminal to make a liveCD/DVD backup of your system: sudo remastersys backup YourIsoName.iso

    • Let it do it's thing for a fairly long amount of time.
    • A really long amount of time

The ISO that I was left with has a size of 1027MB. At this point I made another VM. When I tried the "live" function, I found myself with a distro that remembered the bookmarks, apps and background. Yet I had some notification icons that kept crashing. I'm not sure what the reason for that is.

BelgianTeam/LocalizedCD/Iso/Specs (last edited 2011-10-06 17:19:27 by d54C1A7ED)