
Revision 8 as of 2007-04-20 02:50:15

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  • What do we want from a localised cd?
  • Which packages have to be removed which ones have to be added?

I want to help!

  • [http://www.ginsys.be Serge van Ginderachter] - ["svg"] Count me in.

  • RoelHuybrechts -- as much as possible, I have lots and lots of school work these days, but I will do my best

  • Peter Dedecker: I can't participate because lack of time, but at Ghent University we also wanted to create a localised CD. The biggest reason therefor was that students at the university residence need VPNC to access the internet, but to install VPNC, you need access to the internet. See http://www.vtk.ugent.be/wvs/wiki/index.php/UGuntu for more information.

  • PieterVerledens I created my own version a few months ago. Now I want to help you Smile :-)

  • GaetanFrenoy -- very important project to ease access to the Ubuntu-world for non-English speaking users

  • Gianni Moschini -- We should focus on minimal changes, to have just the needed packages for the "belganisation". First as you said on the mailing, try to make the boot menu auto configured for the keyboard and the language. Then you need to install some more package: just go to the system > administration > linguistic support, and select the language you need (try this with a live-session cd). You will see the package needed to fully localize your ubuntu in your language. Don't forget we need to keep it simple, it should feel as an official version of ubuntu, and not too customised.