
Revision 11 as of 2009-07-17 20:03:30

Clear message

Currently, the Belgian LoCo Team (Ubuntu-be) is an informal organization of Ubuntu enthusiasts. As such, our realization are mostly the action of willing individuals acting on their own. While this was successful at our beginning, we feel this slow down our development and prevent many newcomers to become active.

This is a ongoing reflexion on how to to organize ourself more effectively.

Feel free to join the discussion and to add your constructive comments.

The following draft contains personal ideas, subject to comment, modification and improvement.


Section 1 : Proposed organization of the Belgian Local Community Team


- members level : identified active members,

- working groups level : teams maintaining services for the LoCo Team,

- decision level : the Council.

1. The members

The members of the Belgian Local Community Team are individuals with registered OpenID (Launchpad account), considered as active members. They agree to respect the Ubuntu Code of conduct, the internal rules and procedures of the Belgian LoCo Team and contribute to its missions.

Individuals have to be clearly identified (at least name, surname, address, email) to avoid abuses, but not all informations are public.

2. The Working Groups - Teams

The working groups or Teams are those groups that maintain certain services for the community. The Teams are created by the Council when necessary. Each Team develops its own organization and procedures, and eventually sub-teams. Basic Teams are in charge of marketing, events, technical issues and relations/communications.

a. Ubuntu Belgium Marketing Team

The Marketing Team strives to create the building blocks needed by the Ubuntu-be Community to spread Ubuntu throughout Belgium (and other countries).

In charge of :

  • - management of the promotion issues (public, education, institutions, ...)

    - promotion material (banners, posters, flyers, SpreadUbuntu, ...), - sponsors, - logistic and finances.

b. Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

In charge of:

  • - events and their organization, - database of volunteers, - event-boxes.

c. Ubuntu Belgium Technical Team

In charge of the website, the wiki and other technical issues, including security. It includes the existing Web Editors Team.

d. Ubuntu Belgium Communication/Relations Team

In charge of

  • - the Mailing List, - IRC, - Public Relations, médias,

    - contacts with other Ubuntu LoCo teams, forums Nl and Fr, LUG's and computer clubs..

3. The Council

The aim of the Council of the Belgian LoCo Team is to coordinate the efforts of the LoCo Team members and the various working groups (Teams), to integrate their work for more effectiveness and better services offered to the community.

The Council is responsible for the actions and activity within the Belgian LoCo Team and manages policies and procedures internal to the LoCo Team.

The Council is composed of a representative from each Teams, the point of contact of the LoCo Team and members of the LoCo Team who, although not members of the Teams, have done active and constructive work in the community which has mirrored the spirit of Ubuntu and for this reason are considered useful for a better functioning of the Council itself.

The Council is composed of 5 to 10 members, a number of persons which guarantees that the decisions taken can be "democratic", but not too large for practical reason.

The Council is mandated to take decisions for the benefit of the LoCo Team, including organization, procedures, internal rules, membership and finances. It can act as representative of the Belgian LoCo Team, when necessary.

The Council needs to talk together through appropriate channels. The decision making process is collective.

The Council meets regularly on IRC following its agenda. Agenda and meetings are open to all identified members.

The Council informs the community through the Wiki and the Mailing List.

Section 2 : Timing

1. 17/07/2009 Proposal (draft 1) published in the wiki.

2. 15-31/082009 : creation of an ad hoc Thinking Team (min. 4, max 10 motivated members) in charge of the integration of the comments to the proposal. The draft 2 will be published in the wiki for comment till 15/09/2009.

3. 30/09 Finalized draft elaborated by the Thinking will be published in the wiki.

4. 01/10 - 15/10/2009 Finalized draft proposal of the LoCo Team organization subject to vote by the members for acceptation.

5. If the proposal is accepted, the Council and working Teams will be created and start working before the end of 2009.

Section 3 : Your comments

  • Name, date, comment
  • Name, date, comment