
Revision 13 as of 2005-12-26 09:25:40

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I my name is Claudio Bertoldi I've written this page for helping newbies using kubuntu to set their laptop Asus A2K but now its under the wiki for supporting asus laptop always under ubuntu wiki.So here I add some more news for my devices.


Requisites: 1.Linux kernel headers for your current linux version if you don't know yours type (uname -a) 2.Module-assistant 3.Gcc 3.4 4.Lufs-source 5.Captive-static from

Actions: 1.Run module-assistant with root privilegies 2.choose PREPARE lufs from the list and install it

If you get an error doing /usr/share/lufs/prepmod , like kill_proc_info not found, follow these steps to fix the source code. This is a workaround: kill_proc_info is not exported in 2.6.10 kernels.

Originally Posted by Hairy_PalmsBR ive found a workaround for this, the problem is that from the 2.6.10 kernal onwards it doesnt declare kill_proc_info ive made it work on my machine by doing thisBR 1. install captiveBR 2. run /usr/share/lufs/prepmodBR 3. open /usr/share/lufs/prepmod/2.6/inode.cBR 4. look for a line that says "kill_proc_info(SIGUSR1, &info, GET_INFO(sb)->server_pid);" and change it to say kill_proc(SIGUSR1, &info, GET_INFO(sb)->server_pid);BR now if u run prepmod you can mount and read/write ntfs partitions

PINNACLE PCTV USB2 SUPPORT I know there's a video4linux2 driver in development.At the moment it supports the device but only in some features.
