
Revision 10 as of 2005-09-03 19:11:11

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To enable support for nVidia graphics cards:

  1. Install the driver nvidia-glx using [https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto Synaptic].

    • System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager

  2. Type sudo nvidia-glx-config enable at a terminal to enable it.

    • Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal

  3. Log out of gnome, hit control-alt-backspace, and log in again.

    • System -> Log Out

If you see an nVidia splashscreen after hitting control-alt-backspace, your drivers are properly installed.

Optional: The nvidia-settings package provides a control panel to configure graphics card options such as gamma correction.

If you are going to compile 3d applications, you will want to install the nvidia-glx-dev package

Note: If you wish to use these drivers and run the XMMS music player, you should be aware of [https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1724 this bug]. You can get around this bug by installing libmik.

Note: Be sure to have the right version of linux-restricted-modules installed. It must match the version of the running kernel.

Note: Renderaccell has a bug. Memory leak and crashes. Disable it in xorg.conf in the section "Device".

Option          "RenderAccel"   "false"

Disabling the nVidia logo on Gnome startup: To get rid of it, add the following line to xorg.conf in the section "Device"

Option          "NoLogo"

Getting suspend to work with the binary driver: See NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend

For other drivers, refer to the BinaryDriverHowto Part of UserDocumentation