
Differences between revisions 9 and 12 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2011-03-04 19:38:37
Size: 36191
Editor: 67
Revision 12 as of 2011-09-28 21:35:15
Size: 85
Editor: brad-figg
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== Kernel Pages ===
|| '''Wiki Page''' || '''Visited''' || '''Needs Work''' || '''Comments''' ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/ApplyCherryPickPatches ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/AptGetTheSource ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/BuildChroot ]] || x || x || This should reference the kteam-tools page. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/BuildKernelHeaderPackage ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/BuildKernelPackage ]] || x || || ->> A kernel build page ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/BuildSystemBreakdown ]] || x || x || Too much info ? Where does this page get used ?||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/BuildSystemPackagesPrereq ]] || x || x || Not sure that is the right way to get the build packages ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/CommitTemplates ]] || x || x || Actually, goes into more detail about commit messages than just "templates".||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/GetKernelToolsScripts ]] || x || x || I think this is a duplicate of another wiki page. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/GitTheSource ]] || x || x || Is this a duplicate page ? ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/InstallGit ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/ObtainTheSource ]] || x || x || Is this a duplicate of [[Kernel/Action/GitTheSource]] or does it include it ?||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/PushToRemoteGitTree ]] || x || x || Unsure about "Modifying a branch after a push" ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/Scriptbuildmkschroot ]] || x || x || Is this the same as [[Kernel/Action/BuildChroot]] ?||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/UbuntuPatchSubmission ]] || x || x || This page sucks and borders on being useless. Fix it or delete it.||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/UploadsAnnounce ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Action/UpstreamPatchSubmission ]] || x || x || Should be gone over with a fine tooth comb.||
|| [[ Kernel/Advanced ]] || x || x || This page contains no content and should be deleted. ||
|| [[ Kernel/AllKernelPages ]] || x || || A listing of all the wiki pages with the term "KernelTeam" on them. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Arsenal ]] || x || x || Sadly out of date. ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugDay ]] || x || x || Sadly out of date. ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugReview ]] || x || x || Out of date ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/BugDay ]] || x || x || Out of date ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/BugStates ]] || x || x || Doesn't cover expired. ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/CollectingInformation ]] || x || x || Review for accuracy. ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/Process ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/Responses ]] || x || x || Review for accuracy. ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/Summit ]] || x || x || Out of date ||
|| [[ Kernel/BugTriage/Summit/Maverick ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Bugs ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel ]] || x || x || ->> A kernel build page ||
|| [[ Kernel/Configs/LucidToMaverick ]] || x || x || If we have made changes to either Lucid or Maverick configs should this be updated ?||
|| [[ Kernel/CrashdumpRecipe ]] || x || x || Should the "Jaunty" stuff be removed. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Backlight ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/HighTemperatures ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/BootFailures ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/DisplayBrightness ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/HighTemperatures ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/HotkeyHorkage ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/SuspendResumeHorkage ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/Symptom/UpdatesHorkage ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/SymptomEdit ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Debugging/USB ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/DebuggingSchedulingWhileAtomic ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/DebuggingUpdateErrors ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/DebuggingVoodoo ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev ]] || x || x || It seems difficult to find things on this page, should we consider a better ordering? ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/ABIPackages ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/ARMDeviceTrees ]] || x || x || This seems misplaced. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/AboutKernelABI ]] || x || || !DELETED! no content ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/AddingFreeFirmware ]] || x || || The page is actually pretty good, could use a little more verbage and maybe links to other pages.||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/AddingNonFreeFirmware ]] || x || x || Maybe a good start but needs at least an example for building the package. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/BestPractices ]] || x || x || This page sucks. A page which lists a bunch of tools without pointers to what they are for or where to get them? Bad! ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/DKMSPackaging ]] || x || x || Looks pretty good, should be looked over for editing and if there is too much on one page (maybe not).||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/FixingCVEs ]] || x || || Perfection! ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/Flavours ]] || x || x || Should the flavours and stable support matrix really be on the same page? ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/GitCheatSheet ]] || x || x || Good stuff, if layed out better and explained it could be more useful.||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/Howto-RebaseTopicBranches ]] || x || || Perfection! ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/Howto-ReleaseAKernelUpdate ]] || x || || Perfection! ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/HowtoReviewPullRequests ]] || x || x || Title changed to match the other "Howto" pages. Is it structured right ? Cookbookish enough ?||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelBugFixing ]] || x || x || ->> A kernel build page. Too much in one page! ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelBuildScripts ]] || x || x || This should be much better. It's a good start though. More usage, full explaination of all the command line parameters, etc. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelConfig ]] || x || ? || It gives links to pages that show the configs but doesn't explain why certain configs were set a certain way. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelDevelopmentShift ]] || x || ? || This seems quite old (edgy) should we really keep it around? ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelDriverDeviations ]] || x || x || I'd line up the columns, but other than that it looks good. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelGitGuide ]] || x || || Includes several of the other pages, a nice page, need to look it over. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelPackagePolicies ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelPackageVersioning ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelPatches ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelTesting ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/KernelUpdatePolicy ]] || x || || !DELETED! no content ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/MultipleISOBootUSBKey ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/PushToRemoteGitTree ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/QuickBuildLocal ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/QuickBuildPPA ]] || x || || !DELETED! no content ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/StablePatchFormat ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/TopicBranches ]] || x || ? || Pretty good page, should we scrub Intrepid and Jaunty off of it ?||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/UKMLPatchSubmission ]] || x || x || A pretty poor page, it should link to or include several other pages that go into more detail. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Dev/UpstreamPatchSubmission ]] || x || ? || I think this is a duplicate of another page. ||
|| [[ Kernel/DevNew ]] || x || x || I like this layout better than what we have on Kernel/Dev. ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/Debugging000Resources ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DebuggingMainlineBuild ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DebuggingMainlineBuildsSeries ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DebuggingMainlineBuildsSupport ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DebuggingMainlineBuildsUbuntuDrivers ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevBuildMrProper ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevDeveloperResources ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevFlavours000WhatIs ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevFlavoursHow ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevFlavoursTransitions ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevFlavoursWhere ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevHowToPatch ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevHugePackages ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevKernelBugs ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevKernelSource ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevTopicBranches ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevUsingGit ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevWhyNoFeatureX ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/DevWhyNoPatchX ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralFindingDocumentation ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralFindingTeam ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralGettingInvolved ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralHandbooks ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralHelpWith ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralHowToFileABug ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralMailingList ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralPatchFixCommitted ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralPatchHandling ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralSupportedReleases ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralVersionRunning ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralVersionToMainline ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralVersionToRelease ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/GeneralWeeklyMeetings ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/HelpDebuggingScenarios ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/HelpKernel ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/HelpUbuntu ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/MaintainerUploadAnnouncements ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/TestingCallsForTesting ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/Triage000WhatIsTriage ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/TriageTriageLevels ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/TriageTriageResources ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQ/TweekKernelBootParameters ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQDebugging ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQDebugging000Resources ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQDeveloper ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQEdit ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/FAQTriage ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Firmware ]] || x || ? || A good page, contains a mix of info, should it all be on one page? Looks pretty good the way it is. ||
|| [[ Kernel/GettingInvolved ]] || x || ? || Should the "Other Resources" just point at the FAQ pages? ||
|| [[ Kernel/Grub2Testing ]] || x || x || This is an old page that was for grub testing and isn't getting updated any longer. I think it should be either deleted outright or moved and marked to a deprecated section. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook ]] || x || x || Another "page of links" the format of which i don't like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/Patchworks ]] || x || || Looks ok. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement ]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement/KernelPackaging ]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement/MaintainingRelease]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement/OpeningRelease ]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement/ReleaseMeeting ]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/Handbook/ReleaseManagement/UDS ]] || x || || A very nice set of pages which are a good example of what all our documentation should look like. ||
|| [[ Kernel/HowToSignpgpKeys ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/InstallISOonUSBKey ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/KernelBisection ]] || x || x || It could be cookbooked a little better, the content is good. ||
|| [[ Kernel/KernelBootParameters ]] || x || x || Need to cookbook the examples. ||
|| [[ Kernel/KernelCompatibilityTesting ]] || x || x || Really? Is this really what we want users to do? If it is, should it be in a more "official" repo rather than somewhere in Manoj's personal area?||
|| [[ Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks ]] || x || ? || Good information. Can more be added? Should the page be re-layed out? ||
|| [[ Kernel/LinuxWireless ]] || x || x || The discussion on kernel version probably doesn't belong on this page. The "Please be sure to read this guid, then finish this guide" sentence seems just wrong. There is very little on this page specific to "wireless". ||
|| [[ Kernel/MainlineBuilds ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Maintenance/Advanced ]] || x || x || This is mostly a placeholder page and should be either completed or deleted. ||
|| [[ Kernel/MenuBar ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Netconsole ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Policies ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Policies/DuplicateBugs ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Quirks/LowMemoryCorruption ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/ACPITricksAndTips ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/Battery ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/S3 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/S4 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/WMI ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Reference/fwts ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Release ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/ReleaseN/Ideas ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/RoleOfTheTeam ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/SourceCode ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/StableReleaseCadence ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/SwitchFirewireStack ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Tagging ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Tagging/kernel-graphics ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Testing ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Testing/FirewireStack ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Testing/LiveTestingISO ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/Testing/UbuntuUEFI ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/TopicList ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/TriageLevels ]] || x || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/UDSMaverick ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/WikiGardening ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/WikiToDo ]] || || || ||
|| [[ Kernel/kteam-tools ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070221 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070305 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070319 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070403 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070417 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070529 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070626 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070724 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070807 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070821 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20070904 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ MeetingLogs/Kernel/20071004 ]] || || || ||
|| [[ ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-06-11/Kernel/ReleaseStatus ]] || || || ||
|| [[ ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-06-18/Kernel/ReleaseStatus ]] || || || ||

=== Kernel Team Pages ===

|| '''Wiki Page''' || '''Visited''' || '''Needs Work''' || '''Comments''' ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/2.6.27-10-generic-config ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/2.6.27-kernel-plan ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/2.6.28-2-generic-config ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/2.6.28-2-generic-config-new ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/2.6.30-5-generic-config ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ABIPackages ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ARMDeviceTrees ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/AbstractedDebian ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Arsenal ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/AutomatedBugProcessing ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BestPractices ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BlueprintHowto ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090428 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090512 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090609 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090623 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090707 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090721 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090818 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090901 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090915 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20090929 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20091013 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20091208 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20091222 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20100119 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BugDay/20100216 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BuildKernelWithChroot ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BuildSystem/ABI ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/BuildingOnEC2 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/CPUFlavour ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Configs/KarmicToLucid ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Contacts ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/CrashdumpRecipe ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Debugging/USB ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/DebuggingSchedulingWhileAtomic ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/DebuggingUpdateErrors ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/DebuggingVoodoo ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/EC2 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/EncryptedHome ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/FAQ ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Firmware ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/GettingInvolved ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/GitCheatSheet ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Grub2Testing ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/HardwareDatabase ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/HardwareEnableWithDSDT ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Hardy/DriverUpdateCd ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Hardy/KernelSchedule ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Hardy/KernelVersion ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/InstallonUSBkey ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelBugDay ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelBugFixing ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelBuildScripts ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelCompatibilityTesting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelConfig ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelDebuggingTricks ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelDevelopmentShift ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelGitGuide ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelMaintenanceStarter ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelPackagePolicies ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelPackageVersioning ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelPatches ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelSimpleGuide ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KernelUpdates ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/KnowledgeBase ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/LinuxWireless ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/LiveCDUnion ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/LpiaTrees ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/MaintainerStarter ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-08-04 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-08-11 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-08-18 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-08-25 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-09-08 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-09-15 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-09-29 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-10-06 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-10-13 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-11-24 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-12-01 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-12-08 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2009-12-15 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-01-05 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-01-19 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-01-26 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-02-09 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-02-16 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-02-23 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-03-02 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-03-09 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-03-16 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-03-23 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-03-30 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-04-06 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-04-20 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-05-18 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-05-25 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-06-01 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-06-08 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-06-15 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-06-22 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-06-29 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-07-06 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-07-13 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-07-27 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-08-03 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-08-10 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-08-17 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-08-24 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-08-31 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-09-07 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-09-14 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-09-28 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-10-05 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-11-09 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-11-16 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-11-23 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-11-30 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-12-07 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2010-12-14 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-01-04 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-01-18 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-01-25 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-02-01 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-02-08 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-02-15 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-02-22 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Meeting/2011-03-01 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/MeetingHowTo ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/NetbookEnablement ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Netconsole ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Netconsole/Early ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/RFC ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/AppArmor ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/KarmicFreescalePatches ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidDetail ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidDetailV1 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidTasks ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/LucidTasksTest ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Maverick ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/MaverickDetail ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Natty ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/NattyDetail ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/ReportingPage ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Roadmap ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/RunningTheIRCMeeting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/BootPerformance ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/BootPerformance/JauntyKernelPackaging ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/CompcacheUsage ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/FasterBootFromImage ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/JauntyCRDA ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/JauntyKernelTeamProcess ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/JauntyKernelTreeManagement ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/JauntySuspendResumeHibernate ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KarmicBetterSuspendResume ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KarmicKernelFlavours ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KarmicSSD ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelLaunchpadImprovements ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelLucidBugHandling ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelLucidSuspendResumeImprovements]]|| || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickAppArmor ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickBIOSTestAutomation ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickBugHandling ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickConfigReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickEngagingCommunity ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickFirewireStack ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickNewKernelOnLTS ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickReducingDKMSPackagesRequiredForHardwareEnablement ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickTracingSupport ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickUbuntuDeltaReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickUnionMounts ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickUpstart ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickVersion ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelMaverickpvopsEC2 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyConfigReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyFirmwareTestSuiteEnhancements ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyStableFrankenkernelMaintenance]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyStableProcessReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyStableProposedTesting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyStableSupportResponsibilities ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyUbuntuDeltaReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelNattyVersionAndFlavours ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/KernelOFirmwareReport ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/OtherKernelNBugHandling ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Specs/SRUPolicyReveiw ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Sprints ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Sprints/Feb2008 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Sprints/Feb2008/HeadersABI ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Sprints/Feb2008/UDSPlanning ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Sprints/Jul2008 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/StableHandbook ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/StableHandbook/UpstreamStableReview ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/StableKernelMaintenance ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/StableKernelMaintenanceExample ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/StableKernelTesting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Stable_kABI ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/SuspendResume ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting/Feedback ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting/Feedback/Pass ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/SuspendResumeTesting/Feedback/Server ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/TopicBranches ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/Troubleshooting ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UDS-L-links ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UDS/Dec2008 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UDS/May2008 ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UDSLucid ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UbuntuDelta/Karmic ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UbuntuDelta/Maverick ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UpstreamStableKernel ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/UsingArsenal ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/removing-old-kernels ]] || || ||
|| [[ KernelTeam/test2 ]] || || ||

Brad Figg is a member of the Ubuntu kernel team.

BradFigg (last edited 2011-09-28 23:00:15 by brad-figg)