
Revision 6 as of 2011-08-31 23:39:21

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I, Brian Murray, apply for core-dev.


Brian Murray

Launchpad Page

Wiki Page

Who I am

I work for Canonical on the Ubuntu Engineering Foundations team as the Defect Analyst after having been a QA Engineer on the Ubuntu QA Team. I like hiking, rock tumbling, post offices and laffy taffy jokes.

My Ubuntu story

I have been using Ubuntu since 2005 and involved in the Ubuntu community since December 2006. My involvement initially started with triaging bug reports. However, as I reviewed more and more bug reports I wanted more automated ways of dealing with them. As such I have been involved in the python-launchpadbugs project (an API for Launchpad based on scraping web pages), the Launchpad greasemonkey scripts project, python-launchpadlib-toolkit and arsenal. I have actually done some Launchpad development. As I have been looking at bug reports I have also found a lot of bugs with patches and have worked to get those patches forwarded upstream and included into Ubuntu.

My involvement

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

I have recently been focusing on the reducing the influx of automatic bug reports that we receive by preventing the reporting of bug due to hardware failures. Additionally, I have created a duplicate signature for apport package installation failures that will allow the apport retracer to automatically mark these as duplicates. I have also been working on making bug reports more informative when they come up by writing and imporving apport package hooks for a wide variety of packages. I believe that reducing the quantity of unnecessary bugs being reported and improving the quality of the bugs we get are vital to ensuring that we can make progress identifying important bugs and improving Ubuntu.

As I encounter bug reports I also think about the appropriateness of them for an SRU and in the event I feel the bug should be fixed in a stable release will take the time to build and test a package and get it sponsored. For example bug 797894, bug 814727, bug 797847, bug 346386.

Areas of work

Let us know what you worked on, with which development teams / developers you cooperated and how it worked out.

I have worked on apt which produces apport pacakge installation and preventing the reporting of these bugs in situations where the installation failure was due to a hardware issue.

I have worked quite a bit on apport and improving the information collected in bugs reported by it. Additionally, I added functionality to prevent the reporting of bug reports due to hardware errors. This work was done with Martin Pitt and Michael Vogt as a part of the better apport package bug reports specification.

I have been taking care of the kerneloops package and worked with the Ubuntu Kernel team to ensure that kerneloops was reporting the types of Oops reports that they really wanted and not cluttering their bug lists with bug reports regarding kernel warnings. Additionally, we worked together on tagging Oops reports with information regarding the driver in which the crash occurred.

I have written or modified apport package hooks for ubiquity, update-manager, linux, plymouth, software-center, system-config-printer, usb-creator, xscreensave, vlc, cups, debian-installer and yelp.

Things I could do better

Plans for the future


What I like least in Ubuntu

Please describe what you like least in Ubuntu and what thoughts do you have about fixing it.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
=== Areas of Improvement ===