
Revision 10 as of 2007-07-02 14:30:51

Clear message

(This is still work in progress)

As part of my Google Summer of code project I'm going to rewrite python-launchpad-bugs. This wiki-page will give a view of my ideas and a starting point for further discussions. Some of the following items are already implemented in my developing branch []


I would like to split the existing HTMLOperations module into a Buglist and a Bug module.

  • all connection related functions like safe_urlopen() will be moved to utils

  • setting the cookie_handler should be a global option


This module will basically consist of the old BugList and BugPage classes.


  • Filtering should be a global option
  • the only required parameter in the constructor is url

  • BugList.bugs will be a SET

I almost finished the Buglist module, I wrote a small script to give an overview over the new API. I also created a [BugListExample wiki-page] to show the usage of BugList in small examples.

Bug shows the state of the developing progress.

  • objectify the current Bug -class:
    • Comments, Attachments and InfoTable are new container classes

    • Comment, Attachment and Info - objects are elements of this containers

  • changeable elements have their own edit,add or remove method: e.g.

    • Comments will have a add method

    • Attachments will have add and remove

    • Info will have an edit method

    • Comment and InfoTable are read-only

  • 'edit local and apply at once' - approach The following lines of code should explain that approach:

{{{bug = Bug(1) bug.attachments.add('fix.patch', comment='first attempt to fix that issue') bug.status = 'Needs Info' bug.tags.append('bitesize') bug.apply()}}}

  • There should not be an extra module for exceptions
  • There is only one argument required in the Bug- constructor:
    • a BugInfo instance or

    • an integer type bugnumber or

    • an url to the bugreport


Use a LaunchpadConnector class

We could use a LaunchpadConnector class and have several backends implementing it. That way we can have an easy transition to XMLRPC once we get it from Launchpad.

current implementation

With revision 73 I added a Connector module to [ api.changes.gsoc]. In revision 77 I changed LaunchpadConnector into a class, this changed the syntax.

Example usage:

loading the default Bug-class: {{{import launchpadBugs.Connector as Connector

Bug = Connector.ConnectBug() Bug.COOKIE_FILE = "cookie.txt"

b = Bug(4534) }}}

loading the Bug-class from xxx: {{{import launchpadBugs.Connector as Connector

Connector.CONNECTION = "xxx" Bug = Connector.ConnectBug() Bug.COOKIE_FILE = "cookie.txt"

b = Bug(4534) }}}


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