
Revision 3 as of 2007-01-14 13:30:47

Clear message

This page is dedicated to the development of [ bughelper].

Get Involved

We tagged some bugs as [ bitesize]. These are probably easy to solve for your and good to start helping out with bughelper.

Just branch ~bugsquad/bughelper/bughelper.main branch ([ link]) and start hacking on your own branch.



Suggested Processes

  • Approved changes are to be found in the ~bugsquad/bughelper/bughelper.main branch ([ link]),

  • ongoing work happens in people's own bughelper branches.
  • Patches have to be announced on the list and reviewed and merged by somebody else.
  • (This does not apply to changes in .info files,

  • but you have to bugxml -v <info.file> them first.)

Please note: these processes are not approved yet, they'll be discussed in the bughelper meeting

  • Thursday Jan 18th on #ubuntu-bugs on at 15:00 UTC.

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