
Revision 2 as of 2007-02-06 19:14:58

Clear message

The simple case

It's quite easy to write clue files yourself:

  1. Get a Launchpad Account at https://launchpad.net/

  2. Add your SSH keys to https://launchpad.net/~YOUR-LAUNCHPAD-ID/+editsshkeys

  3. Install bzr, it's a nice and handy tool. We use it for developing BugHelper:

    sudo apt-get install bzr
  4. mkdir ~/bzr; cd ~/bzr
  5. Get bughelper source:

    bzr checkout sftp://YOUR-LAUNCHPAD-ID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~bugsquad/bughelper/bughelper.main
  6. edit .bazaar/bazaar.conf and add something along the lines of:

    email=Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach@ubuntu.com>
  7. Also get a fresh checkout of the clue files:

    bzr checkout sftp://YOUR-LAUNCHPAD-ID@bazaar.launchpad.net/~bugsquad/bughelper-data/main bughelper-data
  8. Edit ~/bughelper/config to contain the path to bughelper-data (you just checked out) in the Local-Packages-Dir: line.

  9. Try the clue you want to add. Let's assume that you found out that totem bugs containing 'libxine.so' often are xine bugs.

    cd bughelper.main; ./bughelper -T totem "libxine.so" "You might want to ask the reporter to double check if xine-ui has the problem too. It might be a xine bug." -p totem
  10. Assuming this query find a lot of things, you might want to add it to the set of clues:

    ./bugxml -a totem "libxine.so" "You might want to ask the reporter to double check if xine-ui has the problem too. It might be a xine bug."
  11. run

    cd ../bughelper-data; bzr unknowns
    and see if your clue file is listed there.
    1. If yes, run

      bzr add <filename>
  12. Commit your change:

     bzr commit -m "added a totem clue"
  13. Done.

Don't list certain bugs

If you add a clue that basically points out, that bug A (which contains a certain condition) is a duplicate of bug B, you probably don't want bughelper to list 'B' every time, you run that query. Therefore you can do the following