
Revision 2 as of 2007-07-20 23:28:48

Clear message

Improving a bug report

Part of the bug triaging process involves ensuring that the bug is valid, well described, and contains adequate information for a developer to start working on it.

Most bug reports to be considered complete must contain:

  • The version of Ubuntu that the reporter is running
  • The version of the package the reporter is using
  • The steps the report took to produce the problem
  • Whether or not it is possible for the reporter to reproduce the issue
  • The expected result of these actions
  • The actual result of these actions

Not every bug reported contains all this information though. So as triagers we can ask for any of the above if it is missing.

Additionally, certain classes of bugs and specific packages require more detailed information like configuration and log files. The DebuggingProcedures page contains a list of links to detailed information to gather.

Since most reports probably won't be complete, you'll have to start a conversation with the bug reporter. Ask the reporter for more information by doing the following:

  • Click on the task name, which is usually the package name, in the yellow horizontal line.
  • Change the "Status" field to "Incomplete".
  • Click the "Me" button in the "Assigned to" area.
  • Ask for the additional information required in the "Comment on this change" field.
  • Click "Save changes".

As the bug assignee you will be e-mailed when the reporter responds.