Adding Community Documentation
If you are interested in writing some documentation about how to run a community more effectively, there are some few simple steps to follow to ensure your hard work gets read by as many people as possible. Just follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Be consistent
If you are going to document something, first make sure it is page of the BuildingCommunity section (such as BuildingCommunity/SampleDocument).
Next, ensure you have a main title for the page and the menu bar included at the top:
= Your Document Name = [[Include(BuildingCommunityHeader)]]
Step 2: Make it searchable
Add a category footer so the the Building Community can be searched.
---- [:CategoryBuildingCommunity]
Step 3: Make it findable
Make sure you add your document to the correct part of the Knowledge Base.
Thats it. We look forward to seeing your documentation!
BuildingCommunity/AddingCommunityGuide (last edited 2008-08-06 16:27:24 by localhost)