
Revision 11 as of 2007-01-31 12:00:15

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Community Knowledge Base


Welcome to the community knowledge base!

This page is here to provide an index of documents and articles that can help you build strong, vibrant communities. It is encouraged that the community create new articles to help expand and grow our existing documentation to help create even better teams. If we all work together to expand this documentation, we can create a pretty compelling resource.

If you want to add a document to the Knowledge Base, see [:BuildingCommunity/AddingCommunityGuide:this page].

Guides / HOWTOs

This section contains guides and HOWTOs for doing things effectively in the Ubuntu community, from setting up resources to resolving issues and being productive.

Team Resources

  • [:BuildingCommunity/CreatingWikiHomepage:Creating your team wiki homepage] - how to create a homepage for your team on the Ubuntu wiki

  • [:SampleTeam:Sample Team Wiki Site] - see this collection of suggested wiki pages for a sample team and use them as the basis for your own team.


Articles, Blog Entries and Multimedia

Blog entries and articles:
