
There will be FREE PIZZA at the next California Ubuntu Meeting in celebration of the LinuxWorld success. [WWW] Setp 16th. The pizza is targeted for the volunteers who showed up at LinuxWorld to help man the booth, but there should be leftovers for everybody.

THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED! It was a smash success! Show up at the next Linux InstallFest!

This is the signup sheet for maintaining the LinuxWorld 06 booth. We need people to man the booth 1 or 2 hours at a time, but more than 2 hours is appreciated if possible. If you want to be added to this list, you can send email to or you can create your own account at this website and edit this webpage.

It would be nice to have 3 people at the booth at all times (people need breaks and such). I don't mind more than 4 people, if so, please note at the bottom below the tables. For items on display, there will be a bunch of cds underneath the table at the booth. Don't stack too many cds out there at one time or a few people will grab all the them and there won't be any left for others.

Add yourself to the table below and sign up for LinuxWorld. The hours and "Free Exhibit Hall Pass" are listed at I can have upto 7 "official" badges, the rest will have to be registered as normal visitors. Make sure you signup at LinuxWorld as a regular visitor with the "Free Expo Pass", but you need to do it online at least the day before the conference starts.

PLEASE NOTE CONDUCT GUIDELINES at the bottom of this webpage. TODOS listed at the very bottom.

NOTE: If you want to be in a quiz of Ubuntu versus Novell (I think it is Novell) at LinuxWorld contact me. There is some sort of Linux bowl going on.

Dates: August 15 - 17, 2006 (Mark Nielsen will fill where needed and be there at the beginning and end of the day).






Tuesday August 15, 2006

10 am

Paul Reiber

Mark Weisler

Tuesday August 15, 2006

11 am

Paul Reiber

Mark Weisler

Tuesday August 15, 2006

12 noon

Paul Reiber

Ranjan Parthasarathy

Tuesday August 15, 2006

1 pm

Dan Shick

Sundar Nagarajan

Tuesday August 15, 2006

2 pm

Alexander Grundner

Sundar Nagarajan

Tuesday August 15, 2006

3 pm

Anderson Vitous

Johan Martin

Tuesday August 15, 2006

4 pm

David Mercer

Johan Martin






Wednesday August 16, 2006

10 am

Paul Reiber


Wednesday August 16, 2006

11 am

Paul Reiber


Wednesday August 16, 2006

12 noon

Paul Reiber

Ranjan Parthasarathy

Wednesday August 16, 2006

1 pm

Dan Shick

Mark Weisler

Wednesday August 16, 2006

2 pm

Alexander Grundner

Mark Weisler

John Miche

Wednesday August 16, 2006

3 pm

David Mercer

John Miche

Wednesday August 16, 2006

4 pm

David Mercer

John Miche






Thursday August 17, 2006

10 am

John Miche

Joel Krauska

Thursday August 17, 2006

11 am

John Miche

Joel Krauska

Thursday August 17, 2006

12 noon

John Miche

Ranjan Parthasarathy

Thursday August 17, 2006

1 pm

John Miche


Thursday August 17, 2006

2 pm

John Miche


Thursday August 17, 2006

3 pm

John Miche

If you plan on being a 4th or more person during a time slot, list the date and times below here. The more the merrier!

=== Conduct Guidlines I am not trying to be a politically correct Nazis, but I am just suggesting some guidelines on how to talk and behave at the booth compared to what I have seen in the past. I can be very politically charged, so these guidelines apply to me, or else I will be out there ranting and raving about evil stuff. Please reword anything below if I sound like a jerk (I hate limiting freedom of expression).

  • General Topics of Discussion
    • Ubuntu Linux -- try to talk about this the most.
    • Debian Linux -- we want to be friends with the Debian guys and there isn't going to be a Debian booth, so we might want to help promote Debian since no one else will, and they deserve support.
    • SVLUG -- talk about the local Linux Users Group SVLUG, or any other related local users group in the area., etc.
  • About other Distros and Operating Systems
    • Say only positive stuff about other Linux Distros. Factual comparisons between distros are okay. Let the guest determine if something is good or bad. Winks are also okay is nobody else sees them (wink, wink).
    • Don't ditch other operating systems. Most people only pass by booths for 30 seconds or a minute, so unless they hang around for a lengthy period of time, it is best to talk about Ubuntu, Debian, or SVLUG as much as possible within the first few minutes. Try to stick to the facts and let them decide what the facts mean to them.

I have noticed the best non-profit booths at conferences sort of behave very nice and professional and get their point across within the first 2 minutes. Most people will only hang around for 2 minutes, and if their interest isn't captured in that amount of time, they will walk away and forget about it. I do that all the time.

The following people have booth badges. I didn't choose anybody for any particular reason. You don't need a booth badge, an exhibitor pass is fine. If still need a pass, let me know. Grundner Alexander, Menasian Gregor, Mercer David, Nielsen Mark, Reiber Paul, Shick Dan, Vitous Anderson.

=== TODOS -- None of these got done in time.

  • Write up a single page document describing the business strengths that CEO's will understand.
  • Write up a single page document describing the technical strengths that geeks will understand.
  • Write up a single page document comparing Ubuntu to other Linux Distros in a nice way.
  • Write up a single page document comparing Ubuntu to other operating systems in a nice way.
  • Write up a single page document comparing tools, desktop applications, and services to other operating systems/other Linux distros.
  • DONE: Get a computer for people to do installations on.
  • Setup quiz to win t-shirts at conference.

CaliforniaLinuxWorld06 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:33:18 by localhost)