Sunday, August 14th, 2011, 7:00pm (1900) PT

Original Agenda

  1. Picn*x20 planning -- lyz 2011-08-10 23:16:36

  2. CA Team game night planning

If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.

Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PDT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

   1 19:02 < jdeslip> ----------------------- Meeting Begins ---------------------
   2 19:02 < iheartubuntu2> made it
   3 19:02 < jdeslip> As always lets start with some announcements does anyone have any?
   4 19:03 < grantbow> is coming up soon Aug 27th to be covered in the meting today.
   5 19:03 < jdeslip> The globabl jam date is September 2-4 
   6 19:04 < jdeslip> Which I believe is a long weekedn :/
   7 19:04 < pleia2> yeah, labor day
   8 19:04 < pleia2> I think phil and DarkwingDuck are planning something down in SD
   9 19:04 < jdeslip> I will be probably be down in Florida.  But if anyone is considering hosting an event please let the email list know
  10 19:05 < grantbow> Software Fredom is coming up
  11 19:05 < pleia2> and add to
  12 19:05 < grantbow> they don't have the date for sfd on their front page :-(
  13 19:05 < jdeslip> Ok, any more announcements?
  14 19:06 < bkerensa> Cookie
  15 19:06 < jdeslip> Ok lets move on to the first agenda item.
  16 19:06 < jdeslip> The Linux Picnic Planning
  17 19:06 < grantbow> is coming up Sept 11th
  18 19:07 < grantbow> Picnic!
  19 19:07 < jdeslip> grantbow: yes, thanks for pointing that out
  20 19:07 < pleia2>
  21 19:07 < jdeslip> I'll add that to agenda for next meeting.  Hopefully can get some ubuntu volunteers.
  22 19:07 < jdeslip> Ok, about the picnic
  23 19:07 < iheartubuntu2> so picnix is an ubuntu thingy or linux?
  24 19:07 < aaditya> Linux.
  25 19:07 < pleia2> we're the ubuntu table at the linux picnic
  26 19:07 < jdeslip> pleia2 set up a page for our organization here:
  27 19:08 < iheartubuntu2> is there a picnix in SoCal?
  28 19:08 < jdeslip> I guess we have a booth (a couple tables) 
  29 19:08 < aaditya> Hi all. I'm just dropping by, barely got back to Cali and should have an answer for everything by tomorrow. That said, I'm present.
  30 19:08 < pleia2> aaditya: any idea when registration will open? and when we'll know the placement of the tables?
  31 19:08 < jdeslip> It would be good to have some CDs to give away.  Can anyone burn ~50?
  32 19:08 < pleia2> oh ok, thanks :)
  33 19:09 < aaditya> :)
  34 19:09 < pleia2> we have pressed ones still, so we can use at least 25 for the picnic (and the rest for solano)
  35 19:09 < jdeslip> For everyone in the Bay Area, please add your name to the wiki if you are planning to attend
  36 19:09 < jdeslip> pleia2: ok great
  37 19:10 < jdeslip> i
  38 19:10 < jdeslip> I have a street fair style tent I could bring if MarkDude is not bringing his
  39 19:11 < pleia2> MarkDude?
  40 19:11 < MarkDude> Um not sure about any of it yet
  41 19:11  * MarkDude knows nothing
  42 19:12 < jdeslip> OK, well, we can figure out the tent closer to the event.  
  43 19:12 < jdeslip> Anything else we need?
  44 19:12 < pleia2> I'll flesh out the list of what we need this week, probably need some ties to put the banner up on the tent
  45 19:12 < jdeslip> MarkDude: let me know if you are going to make it and bring the tent by email etc..
  46 19:13 < grantbow> we could use some help at the registration desk at the beginning of the picnic.
  47 19:13 < pleia2> and I'll send the list to the mailing list so we make sure we have everything (some cheap orange tablecloths would be nice)
  48 19:13 < MarkDude> Ok, well it may be used by Fedora and stuff
  49 19:13 < jdeslip> pleia2: ok, sounds good
  50 19:14 < grantbow> sounds good
  51 19:14 < jdeslip> Any other picnix related stuff to chat about?
  52 19:14 < iheartubuntu2> is there one in so cal?
  53 19:14 < eps> Not this year, not that I'm aware of.
  54 19:15 < pleia2> I think we're good, woo picnic in 2 weeks :)
  55 19:15 < iheartubuntu2> how would be go about getting one going? contacting various distro trams?
  56 19:15 < iheartubuntu2> teams?
  57 19:15 < grantbow> iheartubuntu2: create a day in so cal to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Linux!
  58 19:16 < iheartubuntu2> i'll have to think about this! could be fun
  59 19:16 < jyo> What's up with the picnic RSVP?
  60 19:16 < pleia2> :)
  61 19:16 < pleia2> jyo: aaditya said he'd have info tomorrow
  62 19:16 < jyo> Cool.
  63 19:16 < pleia2> so hopefully soon :)
  64 19:16 < grantbow> yeah, says "Expect the RSVP database open in late Spring or early Summer." now
  65 19:17 < eps> Didn't say which year
  66 19:17 < jdeslip> OK, moving on to topic number 2 - Game night.
  67 19:17 < iheartubuntu2> ok -
  68 19:18 < iheartubuntu2> An Ubuntu game night can be a great way to spend time together as an entire California team.
  69 19:18 < iheartubuntu2> This is something that could expand nationwide or even worldwide eventuall
  70 19:18 < iheartubuntu2> Coming up with the right game or rotating games will be the challenge.
  71 19:18 < iheartubuntu2> Ive done a little research on games.
  72 19:18 < jdeslip> iheartubuntu: you mean like online games right?
  73 19:18 < grantbow> fun idea - open source lan party kind of thing?
  74 19:18 < iheartubuntu2> First person shooters seem to be the most common multi player games
  75 19:19 < iheartubuntu2> online games where we can all join in
  76 19:19 < jdeslip> To be honest there are a lot of nice games for Ubuntu
  77 19:19 < iheartubuntu2> i dont think minecraft is free, but it might be an idea
  78 19:19 < jdeslip> that I have been meaning to try but had no reason
  79 19:19 < jdeslip> Nexuiz etc..
  80 19:19 < aaditya> The site is slightly out of date. Expect updates tomorrow.
  81 19:19 < iheartubuntu2> frozen bubble handles multiplayer, but i dont know how many
  82 19:20 < jyo> Tremulous
  83 19:20 < iheartubuntu2> freeciv, pokerth, and even london law all do multiplayer to some extent
  84 19:20 < jdeslip> iheartubuntu2: Why don't you try to organize something, send invitations out to the mailing list (and wherever else appropriate) and 
  85 see who shows up for the first night
  86 19:20 < iheartubuntu2> there may be chrome games like WTG Golf that can handle all of us at once
  87 19:21 < pleia2> maybe create to list some of the games
  88 19:21 < iheartubuntu2> right now i was hoping for game ideas
  89 19:21 < grantbow> running under wine is cheating I guess :-)
  90 19:21 < jdeslip> the Linux Action Show just had a show about Linux games :)
  91 19:22 < iheartubuntu2> regnum online (now called realms online in USA) is another game than can handle the entire СA team
  92 19:22 < jdeslip> There were a couple civilization type games shown off (can't remember names though)
  93 19:22 < jdeslip> has a lot of nice games listed
  94 19:22 < grantbow> actually running games under wine for this event might help increase participation and provide teachable moments for Ubuntu
  95 19:23 < iheartubuntu2> would anyone have any multiplayer game ideas?
  96 19:23 < iheartubuntu2> good idea grantbow
  97 19:23 < iheartubuntu2> should this be a california thing or expand bigger?
  98 19:23 < jdeslip> I don't have any specific ones except Nexuiz, OpenArena, FreeCiv and Wesnoth
  99 19:24 < pleia2> maybe start with california?
 100 19:24 < pleia2> see how it goes
 101 19:24 < iheartubuntu2> pleia2 thats what i was thinking
 102 19:24 < grantbow> I would do a strong showing locally before expanding to prove that it's worth it
 103 19:24 < iheartubuntu2> ok
 104 19:24 < jdeslip> The new supertux kart looks pretty flashy
 105 19:25 < iheartubuntu2> which direction should i take this? focus on more questions? more game choices?
 106 19:25 < iheartubuntu2> some games can handle 4 players, some can handle 500
 107 19:25 < jdeslip> iheartubuntu2: I'd just take charge of it if I were you.  Make whatever choices you would like and see how it goes. It is easy to get
 108  feedback after a first trial
 109 19:26 < iheartubuntu2> so set it up and run it
 110 19:26 < jdeslip> In my opinion, the hard part is just getting started :)
 111 19:26 < pleia2> +1
 112 19:26 < iheartubuntu2> i was also thinking a game night right after our team meetings here since we have a number of people already together
 113 19:27 < jdeslip> not a bad idea
 114 19:27 < pleia2> yeah
 115 19:27 < iheartubuntu2> ok, thats it for me unless someone has something to add
 116 19:27 < MarkDude> Super Nerd Night SF has a great live way they do this
 117 19:27 < iheartubuntu2> i'll move this forward
 118 19:27 < iheartubuntu2> how so markdude
 119 19:27 < jdeslip> iheartubuntu2: great! thanks for this
 120 19:28 < MarkDude> they have all sorts of options for people
 121 19:29 < jdeslip> Browsing playdeb led me to this RISK type game: - I like me some RISK
 122 19:29 < pleia2> MarkDude: that's easy to do for an in-person event with a lot of people, this proposal is virtual so we'd need some coordination and p
 123 ossibly servers running to play games, which means we can't offer a ton of options (plus I don't think we'll have a ton of people :))
 124 19:30 < iheartubuntu2> video cards can limit the amount of players too
 125 19:31 < jdeslip> OK - does anyone have anything to add before we end the meeting?
 126 19:32 < iheartubuntu2> 5
 127 19:33 < iheartubuntu2> 4
 128 19:33 < iheartubuntu2> 3
 129 19:33 < iheartubuntu2> 2
 130 19:33 < iheartubuntu2> 1
 131 19:33 < eps> totals 15
 132 19:33 < iheartubuntu2> :)
 133 19:33 < jdeslip> -------------------- Meeting Ends -----------------------

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11August14 (last edited 2011-08-18 18:57:42 by crookshanks)