Sunday, January 30th, 2011, 7:00pm (1900) PST

Original Agenda

  1. SCaLE planning -- lyz 2011-01-30 22:31:49

  2. Your agenda item here

If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent.

Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PST / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

   1 18:59 < pleia2> ok, meeting time!
   2 18:59 < jdeslip> I think the last time we used it was the Maker Faire
   3 18:59 < pleia2> Agenda is here:
   4 18:59 < pleia2> the only thing we have on it is SCaLE planning
   5 19:00 < pleia2> we've been updating as we get more details
   6 19:00 < pleia2> we just received the booth pack from the SCaLE folks this week, so we have exhibitor badges now
   7 19:00 < dragon> Announcements after this item?
   8 19:00 < pleia2> the exhibitor badge gets you in the conference for free, we have 10 of them and can request more as needed
   9 19:00 < pleia2> dragon: yes
  10 19:01 < pleia2> so anyone who is volunteering at our booth can get one, just let me know and I'll send you the info
  11 19:01 < pleia2> if you want to attend but can't help at the booth much, we also have a 50% off code: UBUCA
  12 19:03 < pleia2> I don't have any news beyond that really, just trying to get together a full list of stuff we're bringing (banner, table signs, etc) and adding them to the wiki as needed
  13 19:03 < dragon> Does this pass include entry to presentations and such sessions?
  14 19:03 < pleia2> dragon: yes
  15 19:04 < pleia2> you just sign up like regular, and at the end to pay for your ticket (including mentoring, whatever else you want) you put in the exhibitor code (different than a coupon code)
  16 19:05 < dragon> (the table of names on the wiki page has four columns for some reason :/)
  17 19:06 < pleia2> I think someone did that to make it easier to read, since it's just names
  18 19:06 < dragon> A bulleted list might be ideal for this. I can make the change, or I can add my name and leave the rest untouched.
  19 19:06 < pleia2> ok, feel free to change it
  20 19:07 < rww> I was wondering about that when I saw it too :\
  21 19:07 < pleia2> anyone else have questions, news, etc regarding scale?
  22 19:08 < pleia2> erichammond: just talking about scale, any news, questions, comments from you?
  23 19:08 < erichammond> I have blank CDs
  24 19:09 < erichammond> And wifi router
  25 19:09 < jdeslip> I can also burn some disks
  26 19:09 < pleia2> jdeslip: when you know how many, can you add to the wiki? ( erichammond already added his)
  27 19:09 < erichammond> Will be able to be in booth some, but can't commit to specific times or amounts in advance
  28 19:09 < pleia2> specific times will be tricky without a speaking schedule
  29 19:10 < pleia2> I suspect we'll play it by ear
  30 19:10 < erichammond> They usually put up a schedule before the event
  31 19:10 < pleia2> that'll be useful
  32 19:11 < jdeslip> pleia2: ya
  33 19:11 < erichammond> Might be useful to put together some talking points for booth volunteers.
  34 19:11 < pleia2> yeah
  35 19:12 < erichammond> Might help get more volunteers as some folks may not be sure what to say when somebody just walks up.
  36 19:12 < pleia2> I'll be printing up some little fliers with all the team info on it too (I'll add to the wiki once I have a better idea what all I'm printing)
  37 19:13 < erichammond> I'm st
  38 19:14 < erichammond> Still thinking about what it would take to put together a security cam demo. No promises there either
  39 19:14 < pleia2> yeah, that would be cool :)
  40 19:14 < icarus> what do you mean?
  41 19:15 < erichammond> Do we know how many computers and monitors will be available?
  42 19:15 < jdeslip> (I can confirm I have the banner)
  43 19:15 < Eureka> wiki: edited
  44 19:16 < erichammond> Icarus: one or two video cameras with security recording and monitoring software running on Ubuntu.
  45 19:16 < pleia2> jdeslip: thanks :)
  46 19:17 < grantbow> jdeslip: thanks
  47 19:17 < pleia2> ok, so we've got one more meeting before scale and a few weeks to get things together for the booth
  48 19:17 < pleia2> anyone else have anything, or shall we move on?
  49 19:18 < pleia2> alrighty, announcements & other stuff
  50 19:18 < pleia2> as usual, has our upcoming events
  51 19:19 < pleia2> other announcements, comments, etc?
  52 19:20 < pleia2> dragon: did you have anything?
  53 19:20 < dragon> yes pleia2, a little announcements
  54 19:20 < pleia2> go for it :)
  55 19:20 < dragon> s/s$//
  56 19:21 < dragon> LAMP Meetup group has an open slot for presentations to the community interested in web development and generally not-so-pro at Linux. We have the place reserved for *Thu, Feb 17*, so in case you have something related to LAMP that you'd like to present, please contact me asap. Even better if it relates to Ubuntu. Will give out free Ubuntu CDs at the event as usual.
  57 19:21 < pleia2> dragon: do you need any pressed CDs, or are you good?
  58 19:22 < dragon> pleia2: a few more would be great. ~20?
  59 19:22 < pleia2> sure, we can talk about how to get them to you later :)
  60 19:22 < dragon> sounds good, thanks!
  61 19:23 < pleia2> oh, I almost forgot, for SCaLE canonical shipped out 100 Ubuntu and 100 Kubuntu CDs for us
  62 19:24 < grantbow> nice
  63 19:24 < dragon> That's going to help. How many are we burning for SCaLE, approx?
  64 19:24 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck is bringing all the .iso files on a computer and erichammond is bringing at least 200 blanks, jdeslip said he'd bring some
  65 19:25 < pleia2> if you want to bring more just update the wiki with your totals so we have some idea
  66 19:25 < dragon> And there was that program our team started creating for a CD burning station - 'buntu stand?
  67 19:26 < pleia2> I don't know about that
  68 19:27 < grantbow>
  69 19:27 < pleia2> neat
  70 19:28 < grantbow> python based distributed but there was a library not checked in for awhile when last I tried to run it.
  71 19:28 < grantbow> distributed meaning many machines burning as a team over the network
  72 19:28 < rww> I think that project's... dormant.
  73 19:28 < erichammond> If we are burning CDs then we also need cd covers.
  74 19:28 < pleia2> yeah, I think it's safe to say it's not something we'll be able to use at scale
  75 19:29  * akk whispers ... copy to USB sticks!
  76 19:29 < grantbow> Maybe someone will get inspired again but I wouldn't count on it.
  77 19:29 < pleia2> are the cd sleeves updated for 10.10 and 11.04?
  78 19:29 < pleia2> akk: even in bulk USB sticks are too expensive for us to give away :(
  79 19:29 < pleia2> CDs are super cheap
  80 19:29 < jdeslip> I can print 300 or cd covers
  81 19:30 < akk> pleia2: I didn't say provide free USB sticks, I said copy to them -- like if somoene comes by with one and wants ubuntu on it.
  82 19:30 < rww> ^ this worked well last year
  83 19:30 < pleia2> akk: oh yeah, that's easy :)
  84 19:30 < akk> It would be way faster than burning CDs, and more useful for most people (except folks with old computers).
  85 19:30 < pleia2> DarkwingDuck will have all the isos
  86 19:30 < jdeslip> sounds good
  87 19:30 < pleia2> also, do we want to update the sleeves with the new branding before scale?
  88 19:30 < dragon> Is it just me, or is System > About Ubuntu actually displaying "You are using Ubuntu 11.04 - the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011..."
  89 19:30 < grantbow> more and more machines boot from USB now, and for those that don't there's a few work arounds, one of which I used a few weeks back
  90 19:31  * akk would quite like natty burned onto a USB stick, if someone's set up at the booth to make them ... way easier than struggling with making one myself
  91 19:31 < erichammond> I can print a hunted or two once the design is updated
  92 19:31 < erichammond> Er, hundred
  93 19:32 < jdeslip> The latest design does have 10.10 I think
  94 19:32 < jdeslip> (at least I got some from grantbow that had 10.10)
  95 19:32 < pleia2> jdeslip: yeah, I think we want to include 11.04 if we're printing up a bunch
  96 19:32 < pleia2> and new font would be nice
  97 19:32 < jdeslip> ah, oko
  98 19:33 < rww> dragon: /msg ubottu !version-bug
  99 19:33 < grantbow> jdeslip: compliments of Mr. Paoli
 100 19:33 < dragon> thanks rww!
 101 19:33 < rww> (join an ubottu channel if you aren't already in one, or that won't work)
 102 19:34 < pleia2> ok, well I'll take a look at the sleeves in bzr this week and see what we need to do to get them ready
 103 19:34 < dragon> rww: figured ;)
 104 19:34 < dragon> I can print hundreds of b/w sleeves. Please let me know if that'll help.
 105 19:35 < pleia2> ok, so jdeslip, erichammond and dragon all are able to do sleeve printing
 106 19:35 < grantbow> dragon: that will help :-)
 107 19:35 < pleia2> I'll let you guys know when I get the sleeve design sorted and you can work out who is printing what
 108 19:35 < jdeslip> sounds good
 109 19:35 < grantbow> awesome
 110 19:36 < dragon> +1
 111 19:36 < erichammond> Scale gets bigger every year. Do we have records of how many CDs we distributed in years past?
 112 19:38 < nhaines> Note that last year's SCaLE attendance was approximately 1400 and the target for this year is only 1500.
 113 19:40 < erichammond> Ubuntu also gets more name recognition so might get a larger share of interest.
 114 19:40 < pleia2> we don't have records AFAIK
 115 19:40 < erichammond> At some point, everybody will have Ubuntu installed so nobody will want a cd :)
 116 19:40 < pleia2> last year there was an Ubucon too, which isn't happening this time
 117 19:41 < grantbow> aha, lp:buntustand should compile now according to the checkin comments
 118 19:41 < grantbow> s/compile/interpret/
 119 19:41 < erichammond> I thought there were several hundred CDs distributed a year or two ago. Not sure, though.
 120 19:44 < grantbow> anything else?
 121 19:44 < pleia2> I'm ready to wrap up
 122 19:44 < nhaines> Note that buntustand is written in Python and cannot be compiled.
 123 19:45 < nhaines> Also note that there are records of the CD numbers for every SCaLE we've attended.
 124 19:45 < pleia2> nhaines: where? ( erichammond was asking)
 125 19:45 < pleia2> I was looking on the past scale pages but maybe I missed it
 126 19:46 < nhaines> pleia2: although the LoCo Council has forbidden post-event debriefing meetings, those logs should contain CD estimates.
 127 19:46 < pleia2> what?
 128 19:46 < grantbow> ?
 129 19:47 < pleia2> post-event debriefings are great :)
 130 19:47 < nhaines> I thought so too and was rebuked.
 131 19:47 < pleia2> I think you misunderstood :(
 132 19:47 < nhaines> I hightly doubt it.
 133 19:47 < rww>
 134 19:47 < pleia2> thanks rww
 135 19:47 < akk> Surely it's not forbidden to get together and talk about how well an event went?
 136 19:48 < nhaines> As regards Southern Califoria Ubucon, I'm currently hoping for an independant event this summer.
 137 19:48 < pleia2> akk: no, that's crazy
 138 19:48 < nhaines> akk: that's what they said.  It was a waste of time and should be abandoned.
 139 19:48 < pleia2> nhaines: that's not true :(
 140 19:48 < nhaines> pleia2: It is.  They said if an event is mentioned afterwards in a blog then it should not be discussed at a meeting under any circumstances.
 141 19:48 < pleia2> the didn't like that we had super long meetings which insisted upon attendence of key volunteers for every event to do a wrap-up
 142 19:49  * pleia2 sighs
 143 19:49 < pleia2> I give up
 144 19:49 < nhaines> That's what a  debriefing is.
 145 19:49 < erichammond> Lost me.
 146 19:49 < pleia2> anyway, it's fine to talk about events
 147 19:49  * nhaines shrugs.
 148 19:49 < rww> and for SCaLE7x
 149 19:49 < pleia2> thanks rww :)
 150 19:50 < pleia2> ok, from the 8x notes:
 151 19:50 < akk> So maybe it can't be a formal part of a council meeting that requires attendance of council members ... which isn't quite the same as saying folks can't talk about what worked and what didn't.
 152 19:50 < pleia2> Handed out about 150 CDs (compared to 120 last year), which is notable considering that Canonical was also handing out CDs there. Have about 100 pressed 8.10 desktop 32bit CDs left from the 200 Canonical gave us.
 153 19:50 < rww> it's a shame that nobody ended up doing meeting summaries when I stopped, btw. They're rather useful.
 154 19:50 < grantbow> anything else?
 155 19:50 < pleia2> yeah, if someone could take up writing meeting minutes again it would be great (I already have a giant administrative load)
 156 19:51 < pleia2> I think we're done :)
 157 19:51 < rww> just need a /really/ bored college student to go rampaging through the archive. is what I did ;P
 158 19:51 < pleia2> heheh
 159 19:51 < grantbow> Thanks everyone for participating.
 160 19:52 < pleia2> thanks everyone

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/11January30 (last edited 2011-02-17 04:29:35 by ptr)