Sunday, May 22nd, 2011, 7:00pm (1900) PT
Original Agenda
- very short meeting
If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent.
Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PDT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
1 [03:01] <jdeslip> ------------------ Meeting Start --------------------
2 [03:01] <jdeslip> Raise your hand if you around for the meeting.
3 [03:01] <jdeslip> Currently we have no agenda items
4 [03:01] <aaditya> o/
5 [03:01] <grantbow> o/
6 [03:02] <akk> o/
7 [03:02] <icarus81> o/
8 [03:02] <jdeslip> OK - lets start with announcements. Anyone have any?
9 [03:03] <jdeslip> We (pliea2) got a shipment of Natty CDs and they being spread throughout the state. If you haven't heard about that that, please check out the email list.
10 [03:03] <jdeslip> You can request some for a good cause of your choice.
11 [03:04] <jdeslip> Any other announcements from anyone?
12 [03:05] <MarkDude> \o
13 [03:05] <grantbow> http://uds.ubuntu.com/ was fun
14 [03:05] <MarkDude> Maker Faire effin rocked
15 [03:06] <jdeslip> In case anyone is new or lurking, I want to remind them of the ongoing Ubuntu-hour events around the state: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours
16 [03:06] <jdeslip> MarkDude: Glad to hear it.
17 [03:06] <aaditya> Maker Faire +1
18 [03:06] * jdeslip wanted to see the Android ADK stuff
19 [03:07] <aaditya> That would have been nice. I wonder why Google didn't have much of it at Maker Faire.
20 [03:07] <jdeslip> OK, so if there are no more announcements. Does anyone want to bring anything else up?
21 [03:07] <jdeslip> aaditya: I thought Google had a whole booth of it there?
22 [03:08] <jdeslip> at least I saw lots of picks
23 [03:08] <grantbow> Google I/O was interesting too from the videos I had time to watch
24 [03:08] <MarkDude> Jono has a loud music show upcoming next month with the new drummer
25 [03:08] <aaditya> They did, but didn't have much to show off there, as compared to what they had at Google I/O - e.g. a 20'x16' labyrinth powered by ADK.
26 [03:09] <jdeslip> OK. If there are no other agenda items etc... let's call this to a close. (Record?)
27 [03:09] <MarkDude> June 17th https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=188586747853015
28 [03:09] <grantbow> sounds like no more pressing or relevant team business
29 [03:09] * MarkDude has nuthin'
30 [03:10] <jdeslip> Summer is pretty quiet - we will have some more stuff to plan shortly.
31 [03:10] <jdeslip> ------------------------------ Meeting Ends -----------------------