Sunday, January 27th, 2013, 7:00pm (1900) PT
Original Agenda
- No items
If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.
Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
1 [03:00] <pleia2> #startmeeting
2 [03:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Jan 28 03:00:08 2013 UTC. The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at
3 [03:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
4 [03:00] <pleia2> hello everyone, who all is here for our meeting? :)
5 [03:01] <pleia2> anyone?
6 [03:01] <pleia2> hey eps
7 [03:01] <grantbow> o/
8 [03:01] <eps> pleia2: hi-hi
9 [03:01] <akk> o/
10 [03:01] <pleia2> #link
11 [03:01] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13January27 - Ubuntu Wiki]
12 [03:02] <pleia2> so we don't have anything on our agenda ;)
13 [03:02] <grantbow> short formal meeting, we can work on stuff
14 [03:02] <pleia2> #topic SCaLE11x
15 [03:02] <pleia2> so SCaLE11x is coming up in less than a month, philipballew has been putting in a lot of work to get our booth together:
16 [03:02] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x - Ubuntu Wiki]
17 [03:02] <eps> West coast airfares are still lousy :-( ~$192 RT SFO-LAX
18 [03:02] <grantbow> scale is important :-)
19 [03:03] <pleia2> he definitely needs more volunteers for the booth and I'm not doing it this year do to other conference obligations
20 [03:03] <pleia2> s/do/due
21 [03:03] <grantbow> Unfortunately I am not going either
22 [03:04] <pleia2> I'll be at the conference, just not the booth ;)
23 [03:05] <grantbow> good :-)
24 [03:05] <pleia2> Richard Gaskin is also hosting an Ubucon on Friday:
25 [03:05] <pleia2>
26 [03:05] <darthrobot> Title: [Ubucon @ SCaLE 11x - Ubuntu Forums]
27 [03:05] <pleia2> (I did ask him to send that to the list too, but I don't think he's gotten around to it)
28 [03:06] <pleia2> eps: philipballew got the registration codes for booth volunteers, have you been able to touch base with him?
29 [03:07] <eps> pleia2: I was waiting until I'd made travel arrangements. Hopefully, flights will be cheaper two days from now. (set fingers=crossed)
30 [03:07] <pleia2> eps: ok good, just wanted to make sure you knew who to go to when needed :)
31 [03:07] <pleia2> ^^ that goes for everyone else too :) philipballew is your scale boss
32 [03:07] <eps> pleia2: He e-mailed me.
33 [03:07] <pleia2> great
34 [03:08] <pleia2> I guess that's it for scale then, more info will go to list as it comes along :)
35 [03:08] <pleia2> #topic Other upcoming events
36 [03:09] <pleia2>
37 [03:09] <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu California | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]
38 [03:09] <pleia2> looks like berkeley and SF have the next few
39 [03:10] <pleia2> the SV folks haven't been updating our official resources lately, so if you want to keep up with them I suggest signing up for the meetup:
40 [03:10] <akk> Seems like those south bay ones died out -- for a while it was twice a week, then nothing.
41 [03:10] <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu SV (Sunnyvale, CA) - Meetup]
42 [03:10] <eps> Berkeley conflicts with Macworld/iWorld
43 [03:10] <pleia2> akk: yeah, I'm not sure if they're actually not having them, or there is just a lot of confusion with their move to meetup
44 [03:11] <akk> I haven't been getting any meetup notices for them.
45 [03:11] <pleia2> yeah, looks like the last one was on december 20th
46 [03:11] <pleia2> hopefully things will pick up in February, January tends to be a slow month I think
47 [03:11] <grantbow> I was waiting to do the meeting reminders until later in January
48 [03:11] <grantbow> so so they were not too early
49 [03:12] <grantbow> for berkeley anyway
50 [03:12] <akk> True, it's usually hard to get anybody to a meeting in December or January.
51 [03:12] <pleia2> we did have about 7 people at the last SF one though :) including a woman who was visiting from Portland and runs Code Scouts:
52 [03:12] <darthrobot> Title: [Code Scouts]
53 [03:12] <akk> (I'm not sure why that is for January, December is easy to understand.)
54 [03:13] <pleia2> in Philly I assumed it was winter/bad weather, maybe it's the same here? it has been a relatively miserable month :)
55 [03:13] <grantbow> You never know who will show up. Otherwise getting work done is useful too.
56 [03:13] <grantbow> I think it's the same here. People just get busy.
57 [03:13] <pleia2> (today was stunning though, got headshots done outside!)
58 [03:13] <grantbow> nice
59 [03:13] <pleia2> yeah, I'm super excited
60 [03:14] <pleia2> hm, so I think that's it for upcoming events
61 [03:14] <pleia2> #topic Any other business?
62 [03:14] <pleia2> anyone have anything they wish to bring up? :)
63 [03:14] <pleia2> ideas? recommendations for dinner?
64 [03:15] * eps is using a slow computer ... talk amongst yourselves
65 [03:15] <eps> pleia2: yes, Hunan after the S.F. Ubuntu Hour
66 [03:15] <pleia2> eps: yes! it's one of those months :)
67 [03:16] <grantbow> even month? cool.
68 [03:16] <pleia2> it shifts ;)
69 [03:16] <pleia2> but we didn't do it in january and I'm around the 2nd week in feb
70 [03:20] <philipballew> looks like the meeting went well
71 [03:20] <pleia2> still going!
72 [03:20] <pleia2> philipballew: anything to add about scale? :)
73 [03:21] <philipballew> Scale is gona be awesome, and you can email me to help and add your name to the wiki. Also you can still add your presentation to the ubucon cfp iifc.
74 [03:22] <pleia2> \o/
75 [03:22] <eps> I can't log into the wiki, grr!
76 [03:22] <philipballew> we could use a few more volenteers so the ones we have now can explore the other parts of the show.
77 [03:22] <philipballew> also mega bus is only a dollar from san fran to la
78 [03:22] <philipballew> eps, I can do it for you
79 [03:22] <pleia2> yeah, Richard had me fill in a cfp (Call For Papers) thing here and select "Ubucon" as the one I was submitting for:
80 [03:22] <darthrobot> Title: [Call for Papers | SCALE 11x]
81 [03:22] <pleia2> not sure where he is with that and/or if he needs more
82 [03:23] <philipballew> me and him are putting that together and things seem to be good, just make sure you can get your talks in
83 [03:23] <pleia2> cool
84 [03:23] <eps> philipballew: OK, on scroll down to "Scissors" and put in the Comments field. Gotta stick with the orange theme. :-)
85 [03:23] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x - Ubuntu Wiki]
86 [03:23] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale11x - Ubuntu Wiki]
87 [03:24] <eps> Sorry, I meant
88 [03:24] <darthrobot> Title: [ Fiskars 8-Inch Multi Purpose Scissors: Arts, Crafts & Sewing]
89 [03:24] <pleia2> eps: oh! should I bring the "candy dishes"? :)
90 [03:24] <eps> pleia2: Um, we can talk about that. I have an idea...
91 [03:24] <grantbow> Feb 22-24th for those following along
92 [03:24] <darthrobot> [R:] Title: [SCALE 11x]
93 [03:24] <pleia2> eps: ok
94 [03:25] <philipballew> Make sure we are all up to date on the ubuntu news we will be asked as well
95 [03:26] <philipballew> unity, tv, phone, juju. or we can say "I am not sure of that, but someone else is" and point to them.
96 [03:26] * philipballew will tell them to go to pleia2 in any question he gets
97 [03:26] <pleia2> lol
98 [03:26] <pleia2> I don't keep up!
99 [03:27] <grantbow> editor, not a reader, lol
100 [03:27] <philipballew> well I will have some juju papers to hand out as well and some books on ubuntu and a system76 laptop to display
101 [03:27] <pleia2> yeah, I added some books too, need to get these out of here :)
102 [03:27] <philipballew> so we dont have to use our own and it will halp make the booth look polished,
103 [03:27] * pleia2 nods
104 [03:28] <philipballew> just keep the free stuff like that under the table so it is not all gone in the first 5 minutes
105 [03:28] <pleia2> yeah
106 [03:28] <eps> pleia2:
107 [03:28] <grantbow> good luck wiwth that
108 [03:28] <darthrobot> Title: [Hack the Planet: Why Code Scouts Is Helping Women Join the Tech Community | Technology on GOOD]
109 [03:28] <grantbow> the free stuff always goes fast
110 [03:29] <pleia2> eps: yeah! :)
111 [03:29] <grantbow> nice link
112 [03:29] <philipballew> Lets just try to look as professional as we can I think.
113 [03:29] <philipballew> Try to draw them into the booth.
114 [03:30] <eps> Put free stuff out in waves. Label things in advance if need be ("Sat. 2 p.m.").
115 [03:30] <philipballew> I am considering putting the table in the back and making the people come in to the booth to to get the stuff so we can talk to them.
116 [03:30] <philipballew> not sure what you people think?
117 [03:31] <pleia2> I can bring raffle tickets if we want to do that again
118 [03:31] <pleia2> s/we/you
119 [03:32] <philipballew> would business cards work like we did two years ago
120 [03:32] <philipballew> ?
121 [03:32] <pleia2> sure
122 [03:33] <philipballew> I was just thinking we then have their emails
123 [03:34] <pleia2> yeah, a lot of booths send out notes after the conference with details about their company or whatever
124 [03:34] <philipballew> Im gonna bring all my ubuntu tshirts so people without any can barrow them if they need
125 [03:34] <pleia2> might be an idea
126 [03:34] <pleia2> good idea!
127 [03:35] <philipballew> pleia2, were you gonna be putting your Ubuntu women items there?
128 [03:35] <philipballew> I can talk about the project if you need someone to.
129 [03:38] <pleia2> probably
130 [03:38] <pleia2> might drop off some stuff too, depends on how much energy I have for producing materials before the event :)
131 [03:39] <philipballew> pleia2, dont worry about it if your busy with stuff.
132 [03:39] <pleia2> yeah, I'll see what I can do
133 [03:40] <pleia2> ok, anything else?
134 [03:40] <pleia2> all right, thanks for those updates philipballew!
135 [03:41] <pleia2> thanks for coming everyone :)
136 [03:41] <philipballew> not a problem, hope to see you there.
137 [03:41] <pleia2> I'll be sure to drop by regularly :)
138 [03:41] <pleia2> #endmeeting