Sunday, July 28th, 2013, 7:00pm (1900) PT

Original Agenda

  1. None

If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.

Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

   1 [02:09] <pleia2> so, looks like grantbow had some car troubles
   2 [02:10] <pleia2> and I'm on an airplane (internet not so good, may drop at any time ;))
   3 [02:10] <eps> Yay for ubiquitous Internet access!
   4 [02:10] <pleia2> if anyone has any informal comments that's cool, but no formal meeting today I think
   5 [02:11] <pleia2> philipballew volunteered at the ubuntu booth at oscon, it was quite hectic :)
   6 [02:12] <pleia2> I'll confirm with grantbow that he can host next time (I'll probably be on a plane then too)
   7 [02:13] <eps> Give us dirt! (Ubuntu Edge, Nexus 7 v2, etc.)
   8 [02:13] <pleia2> there was an ubuntu edge prototype at oscon, non-functioning
   9 [02:13] <pleia2> had to look at the nexus4s and stuff they had to see ubuntu phone software working :)
  10 [02:14] <pleia2> looked pretty slick though
  11 [02:16] <pleia2> I will mention that we haven't been massively active aside from ubuntu hours (which are great!) lately
  12 [02:16] <pleia2> gonna start brainstorming more about things to do
  13 [02:17] <pleia2> looks like the ubuntu global jam is going to be the weekend of sept 13th:
  14 [02:17] <darthrobot> Title: [UbuntuGlobalJam - Ubuntu Wiki]
  15 [02:17] <pleia2> I'll confirm
  16 [02:17] <eps> A BBQ? Software Freedom Day?
  17 [02:17] <pleia2> either would be good
  18 [02:17] <pleia2> jono has said he'd bbq for us, but he is always so busy, probably don't want to wait for him :)
  19 [02:18] <pleia2> release is scheduled for october 17th, and I should be in town for once
  20 [02:18] <pleia2> hope to do something for that :) maybe panera finally
  21 [02:19] <pleia2> I'll put an email together with all these ideas, thanks eps
  22 [02:19]  * pleia2 entering bumpy part of flight, disconnects from ssh

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13July28 (last edited 2013-08-05 04:42:33 by lyz)