Sunday, June 29th, 2014, 7:00pm (1900) PT

Original Agenda

  1. Further discussion and decision on Leadership document amendment: Decisions on non-agendized topics during IRC meetings (added by rww)

If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.

Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

   1 [02:00] <pleia2> #startmeeting
   2 [02:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Jun 30 02:00:47 2014 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at
   3 [02:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
   4 [02:01] <pleia2> rww: I'll follow up with philip over email to see where he's been
   5 [02:01] <pleia2> who all is here for the meeting?
   6 [02:01] <rww> \o
   7 [02:01] <eps> o/
   8 [02:01] <nhaines> \o
   9 [02:01] <grantbow> o/
  10 [02:01] <ianorlin> o/
  11 [02:01] <pleia2> woo :)
  12 [02:01] <pleia2> Agenda: /data/Photos/20140629
  13 [02:01] <pleia2> oops :)
  14 [02:02] <pleia2>
  15 [02:02] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14June29 - Ubuntu Wiki]
  16 [02:02] <pleia2> #topic Further discussion and decision on Leadership document amendment: Decisions on non-agendized topics during IRC meetings
  17 [02:02] <pleia2> rww: all yours!
  18 [02:02] <rww> whoo, my favorite word
  19 [02:03] <rww> So hopefully everyone had a chance to look at the mailing list post already
  20 [02:03] <pleia2> at the last meeting there was lots of talk about adjusting the time (36 vs 48 or something)
  21 [02:03] <pleia2> but consensus seemed to be that it's a good idea
  22 [02:03] <rww> tl;dr for anyone who hasn't is in the first paragraph of
  23 [02:03] <darthrobot> Title: [[Ubuntu-US-CA] Leadership Document amendment: Decisions on non-agendized topics during IRC meetings]
  24 [02:04] <rww> yeah, that's the impression I got too
  25 [02:04] <rww> Anyone have an issue with the amendment, apart from the time?
  26 [02:04] <nhaines> It looks good to me.
  27 [02:05] <elky> o/
  28 [02:05] <ianorlin> I like the idea
  29 [02:05] <pleia2> cool
  30 [02:05] <pleia2> the rationale for 36 hours was that it allows folks to add friday after work
  31 [02:05] <pleia2> which seems reasonable
  32 [02:06] <rww> otoh, they have two weeks to add...
  33 [02:06] <rww> well, 12 days
  34 [02:06] <pleia2> heh, right
  35 [02:07] <rww> does anyone have a preference other than 36 or 48?
  36 [02:07] <elky> and friday night drinks inspired ideas could probably do with a fortnight cooldown ;)
  37 [02:07] <rww> also, does anyone particularly prefer 48 over 36? (I don't)
  38 [02:07] <grantbow> 48 seems right to me
  39 [02:07] <DonkeyHotei> 36 seems like a compromise
  40 [02:08] <pleia2> 48 is fine
  41 [02:08] <elky> i like 48
  42 [02:08]  * grantbow wasn't aware of discussion of less than 36
  43 [02:08] <pleia2> easier on the brain
  44 [02:08] <DonkeyHotei> also, i stand by my recommendation of an 8pm cutoff instead of 7pm
  45 [02:08] <ianorlin> 48
  46 [02:08] <rww> I'd like to call for an everybody-vote on 48, then.
  47 [02:08] <nhaines> It's a bad compromise.  If the point is to allow people time to view the meeting agenda and schedule accordingly, then it's better to allow people to do that on Friday night and not Saturday morning.
  48 [02:08] <elky> nhaines: good point
  49 [02:09] <pleia2> and this is just for decision-making things anyway, if it's "chat about some idea" I think it's fine to add things later
  50 [02:09] <ianorlin> like oclug is saturday morning and 4 hours
  51 [02:09] <pleia2> we don't decide much :)
  52 [02:09] <rww> pleia2: yep. It's specifically taking action on things.
  53 [02:09] <pleia2> #chair rww
  54 [02:09] <darthrobot> Current chairs: pleia2 rww
  55 [02:09] <pleia2> rww: you can make votes!
  56 [02:09] <rww> pleia2: can everyone vote by default?
  57 [02:09] <pleia2> rww: make vote
  58 [02:09] <nhaines> rww: create votes.
  59 [02:10] <pleia2> with zee bot
  60 [02:10] <DonkeyHotei> i vote for 47 hours
  61 [02:10]  * rww checks docs, decides "yes"
  62 [02:10] <rww> #vote Approve amendment as presented on mailing list, with 48 hours (all present may vote)
  63 [02:10] <darthrobot> Please vote on: Approve amendment as presented on mailing list, with 48 hours (all present may vote)
  64 [02:10] <darthrobot> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)
  65 [02:10] <rww> +1
  66 [02:10] <darthrobot> +1 received from rww
  67 [02:10] <elky> +1
  68 [02:10] <darthrobot> +1 received from elky
  69 [02:10] <pleia2> +1
  70 [02:10] <darthrobot> +1 received from pleia2
  71 [02:10] <eps> -1
  72 [02:10] <darthrobot> -1 received from eps
  73 [02:10] <ianorlin> +1
  74 [02:10] <darthrobot> +1 received from ianorlin
  75 [02:10] <DonkeyHotei> +0
  76 [02:10] <darthrobot> +0 received from DonkeyHotei
  77 [02:10] <nhaines> +1
  78 [02:10] <darthrobot> +1 received from nhaines
  79 [02:11] <grantbow> +1
  80 [02:11] <darthrobot> +1 received from grantbow
  81 [02:11] <rww> I think that's everyone.
  82 [02:11] <rww> #endvote
  83 [02:11] <darthrobot> Voting ended on: Approve amendment as presented on mailing list, with 48 hours (all present may vote)
  84 [02:11] <darthrobot> Votes for:6 Votes against:1 Abstentions:1
  85 [02:11] <darthrobot> Motion carried
  86 [02:12] <pleia2> thanks rww
  87 [02:12] <rww> I call that rough consensus, so I'll edit the wiki and send to the mailing list.
  88 [02:12] <pleia2> #action rww to update wiki and mailing list with results
  89 [02:12] <darthrobot> ACTION: rww to update wiki and mailing list with results
  90 [02:12] <rww> #topic Any other business
  91 [02:13] <rww> Anyone have anything?
  92 [02:13] <pleia2> ah, upcoming events
  93 [02:13]  * rww ponders mailing list for this month
  94 [02:14] <rww> yep, some discussion about that on there. If anyone has any ideas, even if you think they're not awesome, please go add to that :D
  95 [02:14] <nhaines> Installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a very old laptop and an HP netbook running some HP Linux yesterday.  Ran very well on both.
  96 [02:14] <rww> nice thread about hard disk quality, that was interesting to read
  97 [02:14] <nhaines> OCLUG is planning another installfest for October, so that's a thing too.
  98 [02:14] <rww> same setup as the recent one?
  99 [02:15] <pleia2> cool
 100 [02:15] <nhaines> Yup, but with more proactive advertising from what we've learned from the last one.
 101 [02:15] <rww> nice
 102 [02:15] <elky> make sure you hit up university campuses if nothing else
 103 [02:16] <pleia2> some Ubuntu Hours upcoming, SF and Berkeley:
 104 [02:16] <darthrobot> Title: [Ubuntu California | Ubuntu LoCo Team Portal]
 105 [02:16] <elky> and (lesson learned also) not the week before...
 106 [02:16]  * eps is looking for a "better" installfest worksheet
 107 [02:16]  * rww counts on fingers
 108 [02:16] <pleia2> oh! there may be a Juju workshop at SFSU some time in the next couple of months, hoping to get an Orange Box for the event too (a Canonical employee would bring it)
 109 [02:16] <rww> pleia2: does the one on the 9th correspond with a BAD dinner>
 110 [02:16] <rww> coincide **
 111 [02:17] <pleia2> rww: I am not calling one, but someone might
 112 [02:17] <rww> pleia2: (re: SFSU) awesome! i'd be interested in going to that, the stuff on G+ about orange box has been fun
 113 [02:18] <pleia2> no credit for me, Sameer just Cc:ed me on discussions with Canonifolk :)
 114 [02:18] <rww> also Juju in general. They scaled it up to some ridiculous number of instances recently to test performance
 115 [02:19] <rww> Anyone on utopic?
 116 [02:19] <pleia2> does tablet count? :)
 117 [02:19] <rww> no, but how is tablet going too :P
 118 [02:19]  * rww is all Debian and Android right now, hasn't been keeping track
 119 [02:19] <pleia2> hehe
 120 [02:19] <pleia2> is good
 121 [02:20] <grantbow> fyi
 122 [02:20] <darthrobot> Title: [UtopicUnicorn - Ubuntu Wiki]
 123 [02:20] <ianorlin> I have done some lubuntu on utopic
 124 [02:20] <nhaines> eps: what's lacking from the current worksheet?
 125 [02:20] <ianorlin> did three of the tests for the alpha1
 126 [02:20] <rww> oh! Ubuntu One shutdown is almost exactly a month from now, so if you haven't yet pulled your data from that go do it
 127 [02:21] <elky> owncloud is pretty good as a replacement if you have a vps or whatever. really easy to get going
 128 [02:21] <rww> like, go do it now before you forget :P
 129 [02:21]  * rww is out of AOBs
 130 [02:21]  * pleia2 too
 131 [02:21] <eps> nhaines: things like whether a machine has PS/2 ports, or is USB-only
 132 [02:22] <nhaines> I recommend Copy as a U1 replacement, plus you can move your U1 files over for free.  Shameless referral link (extra 5GB) is here:
 133 [02:22] <darthrobot> [R:] Title: [Copy]
 134 [02:23] <rww> Someone wrote a GUI client for Microsoft OneDrive recently, but I suspect that will not be a popular U1 alternative.
 135 [02:23] <pleia2> hehe
 136 [02:23] <rww> (OneDrive used to be called SkyDrive)
 137 [02:24] <rww> hasn't PS/2 been legacy since like 2000
 138 [02:24] <ianorlin> it is still on new mobos
 139 [02:24]  * pleia2 just recently replaced her ps/2 keyboard
 140 [02:25] <rww> wow, finally something my work computers are cutting-edge about
 141 [02:25] <nhaines> Not sure it's terribly relevant for an installfest either--no OS doesn't support both.
 142 [02:25] <pleia2> rww: haha
 143 [02:25] <elky> pleia2: was it a M?
 144 [02:26] <eps> nhaines: I'm getting ready to install on a bunch of former XP machines, and it makes a difference for us
 145 [02:26] <pleia2> elky: nah, but a close M successor
 146 [02:26] <elky> so oldschool
 147 [02:26] <rww> nhaines: did the recent installfest discriminate between BIOS and UEFI, or not bother because Ubuntu?
 148 [02:27] <rww> (and Secure Boot on vs. off vs. not present, I guess)
 149 [02:27] <ianorlin> most were vista machines or xp ones
 150 [02:27] <pleia2> ah
 151 [02:28] <pleia2> ok, wrap up time?
 152 [02:28] <nhaines> rww: not because Ubuntu.
 153 [02:28] <rww> pleia2: yep
 154 [02:28] <pleia2> ok, thanks everyone :)
 155 [02:28] <pleia2> #endmeeting

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/14June29 (last edited 2014-07-06 19:17:07 by lyz)