Sunday, April 8th, 2018, 7:00pm (1900) PT
- Upcoming events
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release on April 26th, 2018.
- Announcements
Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
Full Log
1 02:00:50 <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Apr 9 02:00:50 2018 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.
2 02:00:50 <darthrobot>
3 02:00:50 <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
4 02:01:00 <nhaines> Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for April 8th, 2018!
5 02:01:19 <metalbiker> thank you! glad to finally be back!
6 02:01:23 <nhaines> Our agenda tonight is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18April08 and is currently empty.
7 02:01:23 <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18April08 - Ubuntu Wiki]
8 02:01:29 <nhaines> #Upcoming events
9 02:01:43 <nhaines> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be launched on April 26th.
10 02:01:50 <nhaines> So it's time to start planning release parties. :)
11 02:02:11 <metalbiker> oh yeah!
12 02:03:14 <metalbiker> i've been testing kubuntu 18.04 lts and i've had a really great time with it.
13 02:03:54 <metalbiker> i love the new kubuntu theme that's included in this release. it's a flatter, minimalistic look.
14 02:04:18 <nhaines> I finally upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04 on my laptop. So far so good, but I've been successfully ignoring GNOME Shell so far. :)
15 02:05:00 <metalbiker> any particular reason why you're ignoring gnome shell?
16 02:05:02 <nhaines> Okay, I think we don't have anything planned right now, but release parties and installfests are great ways to celebrate LTS releases, so start thinking. May is a good time for this, and so is July when 18.04.1 comes out.
17 02:05:29 <nhaines> metalbiker: because I disagree with everything GNOME's done for the last six years, and because Unity matches my workflow perfectly. :)
18 02:06:14 <nhaines> Credit where credit's due, though. GNOME is being extremely collaborative with Canonical now, and I understand with other downstreams as well.
19 02:06:46 <nhaines> #topic Announcements
20 02:06:48 <metalbiker> nhaines: oh, gotcha!! i was rather disappointed with all of the issues with gnome and the wayland server and then i grew tired of having so many panels so i tried out kubuntu and was amazed! i love its layout so much more.
21 02:07:14 <nhaines> Well, 18.04 isn't going with Wayland by default, so it should be nicer. But KDE is also great. :)
22 02:07:42 <nhaines> The Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase has wrapped up and the final wallpapers, video, and music selections have been announced!
23 02:07:45 <nhaines> https://www.nhaines.com/blog/2018/04/08/announcing-ubuntu-18.04-lts-free-culture-showcase-winners/
24 02:07:45 <darthrobot> Title: [Announcing the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Free Culture Showcase winners | nhaines.com]
25 02:07:55 <metalbiker> cool!
26 02:08:11 <nhaines> Those should start showing up in bionic later this week.
27 02:08:17 <nhaines> But definitely before the 26th! ;)
28 02:08:44 <metalbiker> oh awesome! hopefully they get over to kubuntu as well.
29 02:09:05 <nhaines> The song and video will, but the Kubuntu wallpapers are different.
30 02:09:23 <nhaines> But you can run 'apt install ubuntu-wallpapers-bionic' and get them that way. :)
31 02:09:31 <nhaines> Or just snag them from Flickr!
32 02:09:34 <metalbiker> hey, that's cool with me.
33 02:10:41 <metalbiker> noted! i'll make sure to do that and see what comes out!
34 02:11:18 <nhaines> Great. :) Any other announcements?
35 02:12:22 <metalbiker> not really anything of great value to add here. i've been announcing things on the mailing list more so i don't think i've got anything for now
36 02:12:47 <nhaines> Fair enough. :)
37 02:12:49 <nhaines> #topic Agenda
38 02:12:57 <nhaines> This week's agenda is empty.
39 02:13:01 <nhaines> #topic Other business
40 02:13:11 <nhaines> Anything else before we wrap the meeting up?
41 02:13:43 <metalbiker> nada
42 02:14:04 <metalbiker> if anything comes up i'll blast it out over the mailing list
43 02:14:08 <metalbiker> lol
44 02:14:35 <nhaines> Perfect. :)
45 02:14:41 <nhaines> Nothing more from me, either.
46 02:14:48 <metalbiker> cool!
47 02:15:19 <nhaines> Okay, next meeting is April 22nd, just before I head out to UbuCon Europe in Spain. Which reminds me I need to record more audio promos for them, lol.
48 02:15:35 <nhaines> Until then!
49 02:15:36 <nhaines> #endmeeting