Sunday, September 23rd, 2018, 7:00pm (1900) PT


  1. Upcoming events
  2. Announcements

Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

Meeting logs

   1 19:01 < nhaines> Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for September 23rd!
   2 19:01 < nhaines> Tonight's agenda is available here:
   3 19:02 < nhaines> #topic Upcoming events
   4 19:02 < nhaines> Are there any upcoming events to announce?
   5 19:03 < pleia2> nothing formal, but Partimus is working with another school (after a few years of low-income housing for adults)
   6 19:03 < pleia2> hopefully will have something more formal event-wise we may need help with soon :)
   7 19:04 < nhaines> Yay!  :)
   8 19:04 < nhaines> We haven't heard back from Canonical about a machine learning event yet, so I'll be following up with them next week.
   9 19:04 < nhaines> #topic Announcements
  10 19:05 < nhaines> The SCALE 17x call for papers is officiall open.  So if you'd like to talk at SCALE or UbuCon, you can submit your paper via the "Present!" link at
  11 19:05 < pleia2> nhaines: maybe forward the announcement to the list too and add that?
  12 19:06 < nhaines> pleia2: good idea!  They did a much softer announcement than usual this year.  I'll do that after the meeting.
  13 19:06 < pleia2> I got an email from info@
  14 19:07 < nhaines> I think I did.  Usually they open up the CFP in mid-July though.
  15 19:07 < pleia2> yeah, it did feel a bit late this year
  16 19:07 < pleia2> Fri, Sep 14, 7:54 AM
  17 19:07 < pleia2> ^ date of the email that's forward-able
  18 19:07 < nhaines> Thanks!  :D
  19 19:08 < nhaines> My email got really crazy with LoCo Council stuffs this month, so that really helps.
  20 19:08 < nhaines> #topic Agenda
  21 19:08 < nhaines> There is no agenda for this meeting.
  22 19:08 < nhaines> #topic Other business
  23 19:08 < nhaines> Anything else new to talk about tonight?
  24 19:09 < pleia2> we had a volunteer step up to help with social media, I intend on looping him in on accounts (should have done it a week ago, life is getting away from me)
  25 19:09 < pleia2> I haven't done much with it since scale last year :\
  26 19:10 < nhaines> It'll be good to see what he does with them!  I do not remember his latest IRC handle.  :)
  27 19:11 < pleia2> me neither :)
  28 19:11 < nhaines> Well, we'll be sure to thank him on the mailing list when that transition happens.  :)
  29 19:11  * pleia2 nods
  30 19:12 < nhaines> Okay, I suppose that probably wraps things up for tonight, then.
  31 19:12 < pleia2> thanks for running the meeting, nhaines :)
  32 19:12 < nhaines> Thanks, pleia2.  :)
  33 19:12 < nhaines> Our next meeting will be on October 7th.  Thanks for coming!
  34 19:12 < nhaines> #endmeeting

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18September23 (last edited 2018-10-04 07:04:30 by nhaines)