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Editor: lyz
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#REFRESH 0 CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13June16
#REFRESH 0 CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13July14


Sunday, July 14th, 2013, 7:00pm (1900) PT

Original Agenda

  1. None.

If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. Agenda items added within 24 hours of the start of the meeting may be postponed until the next meeting. Adding your item well in advance helps everyone collaborate and avoids last minute surprises.

Our meetings are held for about 60 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.

   1 [02:00] <pleia2> #startmeeting
   2 [02:00] <darthrobot> Meeting started Mon Jul 15 02:00:32 2013 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at
   3 [02:00] <darthrobot> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired
   4 [02:00] <pleia2> who all is here for the meeting? :)
   5 [02:00] <grantbow> o/
   6 [02:01] <eps> o/
   7 [02:01] <MarkDude> \o
   8 [02:01] <rhernand> o/
   9 [02:01] <pleia2> #link
  10 [02:01] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/13July14 - Ubuntu Wiki]
  11 [02:01] <pleia2> nothing on the agenda :)
  12 [02:01] <MarkDude> Moar Geeknics
  13 [02:01] <pleia2> MarkDude: cool, have a date to report?
  14 [02:02] <MarkDude> What time next month- I needs some help
  15 [02:02] <MarkDude> Last event was full fail
  16 [02:02] <MarkDude> Due to me
  17 [02:02] <MarkDude> It was fun- but had smallest attendance
  18 [02:03] <pleia2> the link from you shared had a broken link to the actual info and rsvp stuff about the event :\
  19 [02:03] <pleia2> so it was tricky for me to share around
  20 [02:03] <eps> Someone should organize an August picnic in Sunnyvale's Baylands Park. ;-)
  21 [02:03] <pleia2> eps: can you help MarkDude plan the next one?
  22 [02:04] <MarkDude> Yay
  23 [02:04] <MarkDude> Yes- multiple levels of fail
  24 [02:04] <grantbow> thanks for volunteering eps
  25 [02:04] <eps> It's probably too late to reserve Baylands. :-(
  26 [02:04] <MarkDude> As well as links sent out that I was not aware of :D
  27 [02:05] <pleia2> MarkDude: yeah, it ended up being a bit confusing :)
  28 [02:05] <MarkDude> I was confused- so Imagine it was a hassle for ithers
  29 [02:05] <pleia2> hehe
  30 [02:05] <pleia2> ok, so MarkDude needs help planning for the next geeknic
  31 [02:06] <pleia2> MarkDude: feel free to post to the list to ask for help too, I'll ask around and see if anyone can
  32 [02:06] <MarkDude> Ok
  33 [02:06] <pleia2> I'm not available the saturdays of the 10th or 17th in august (have events)
  34 [02:06] <pleia2> (fosscon in philly is the 10th, woo!)
  35 [02:06] <MarkDude> Ok, eps - lets see if we can plan it- and have you email lest once we are set
  36 [02:07] <MarkDude> +1 FOSScon
  37 [02:07] <MarkDude> OLPC Summit in OCTober- towards end of month, otherwise thats all I have :)
  38 [02:07] <grantbow> 18, 19 and 20th
  39 [02:07] <pleia2> cool
  40 [02:08] <grantbow> downtown at SFSU
  41 [02:08] <pleia2> grantbow: PM me your phone number so I can get you access to olpcsf stuff
  42 [02:08] <grantbow> k, thanks
  43 [02:08] <pleia2> so, CLS and OSCON next week
  44 [02:08] <pleia2> who all is going?
  45 [02:08] <pleia2> I know philipballew is going up to help with the Ubuntu booth
  46 [02:08] <pleia2> I'll be attending both afterall (speaking at oscon)
  47 [02:10] <pleia2> MarkDude: will you be there?
  48 [02:11] <pleia2> alright, so what else...
  49 [02:11] <pleia2> we've lost access to our account for now :( they switched to a new authentication system, in doing so they reset all passwords and if you account doesn't have an email address associated with it you're locked out of your account :(
  50 [02:12] <pleia2> I'll keep an eye on it in case they end up finding a mechanism for us to solve this, a lot of other people are in the same position, it's not good
  51 [02:12]  * MarkDude will miss his 1st OSCON in 8 years
  52 [02:12] <MarkDude> :(
  53 [02:12] <pleia2> aw, bummer
  54 [02:13] <MarkDude> Evan is reachable via Identica from last I rememebr
  55 [02:13] <MarkDude> The only way I know of to really solve Identica issues
  56 [02:16] <pleia2> MarkDude: he works for identica?
  57 [02:16] <pleia2> if you could lend a hand here, it'd be appreciated
  58 [02:17] <grantbow> I think he started it
  59 [02:18] <pleia2> I think that's pretty much all I had team update wise
  60 [02:18] <pleia2> ubuntu hour last week was great :) had like 12 people and we did a keysigning!
  61 [02:19] <pleia2> in san francisco
  62 [02:19] <grantbow> nice
  63 [02:19] <MarkDude> Yep he started it-
  64 [02:20] <pleia2> anyone else have anything to discuss?
  65 [02:21] <grantbow> Evan P, not our Evan B :-)
  66 [02:21] <pleia2> I'm going to be traveling during our next meeting in 2 weeks, our meetings have been pretty lean lately so we can either decide to 1) cancel it 2) someone else volunteer to announce and run it
  67 [02:22] <pleia2> thoughts?
  68 [02:22] <grantbow> I'll do it
  69 [02:22] <pleia2> ok, thanks grantbow :)
  70 [02:22] <rhernand> I got a question...  I recently relocated from San Jose, CA to San Antonio,TX and there doesn't appear to be a group in this city
  71 [02:23] <rhernand> any recommendations?
  72 [02:23] <pleia2> rhernand: have you spoken with folks on the state-wide team?
  73 [02:23] <grantbow> try /join #ubuntu-us-tx and /topic :-)
  74 [02:23] <pleia2> groups in the US are organized on the state level, in texas I think they then have subteams
  75 [02:23] <pleia2> if one doesn't exist, you can typically propose to run an event and see who comes :)
  76 [02:24] <rhernand> i might have to do that...
  77 [02:24] <pleia2> has info about parts of the team though
  78 [02:24] <darthrobot> Title: [TexasTeam - Ubuntu Wiki]
  79 [02:24] <pleia2> I met with the Dallas folks once, but that was 5 years ago at this point ;)
  80 [02:26] <pleia2> any upcoming events to announce?
  81 [02:27] <grantbow> nothing out of the ordinary comes to mind -
  82 [02:27] <darthrobot> Title: [CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UserGroupContacts/Groups - Ubuntu Wiki]
  83 [02:27] <pleia2> alright, thanks everyone :)
  84 [02:28] <rhernand> thanks
  85 [02:28] <pleia2> rhernand: lots of folks involved with event coordinating here, so if you need help planning something in your area please feel free to ask :)
  86 [02:28] <pleia2> #endmeeting

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/Current (last edited 2020-01-20 03:26:55 by nhaines)