Silicon Valley Code Camp 2010

The Ubuntu California Team is participating in Code Camp this year!

Code Camp was a no-cost (free as in beer) event focused on developers, that happened on October 9th and 10th 2010 at Foothill College, in Los Altos (in the San Jose/So. Bay Area, Silicon Valley). Although the annual event has no cost except to participate you must preregister ASAP. Here's the Ubuntu California LoCo page to showing who rsvp'd

We put on a 75 minute session of lightning talks around the topic Beginning Ubuntu Gnu/Linux Development on Saturday, 5pm. Follow the above links for more info.

Beginning Ubuntu GNU/Linux Development

How to get started in developing for and with Ubuntu, the world's most heavily adopted, supported and popular Gnu/Linux OS distribution.

Also see Development Beginnings

Session Videos and Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides Note: Presentations with a '.odp' extension are in OpenOffice Impress format. OpenOffice is very full featured, cross platform, FLOSS and has no cost, comes by default with Ubuntu or can be downloaded here. Alternatively Evince is a small, simple viewer program that can display .odp as well as .pdfs, is crossplatform, FLOSS, no cost to purchase, comes by default with Ubuntu or can be downloaded here

Related slides:

Bonus Material:

CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CodeCamp2010 (last edited 2010-10-29 12:36:40 by c-98-234-185-152)