
Revision 19 as of 2010-09-30 14:51:04

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=Conflict Resolution=

This page is designed to get ideas and solidify a reference point for Procedural Conflict Resolution. All team members are encouraged to voice their opinion for the process of resolving conflict.

Since "Conflict" can mean different things to different people, I propose that the definition of conflict deals specifically with how to do things within the LoCo. It should in no way be related to personalities or personal conflicts within the LoCo. This reference design for conflict resolution should reflect the precepts of the CoC (and LCoC) including respect for each member, contributing or not.

Ubuntu Community Documentation on Disputes and Conflict: and Conflict

Within the link above is a nice rundown by JonoBacon :

Chapter 9 "Handling Conflict" is available from the online book Art of Community also by JonoBacon.

General Comments about Conflict

If its not handled skillfully, conflict can be very destructive to any volunteer group. We in the Ubuntu LoCo's have an especially high quality-of-relationships goal we have set for ourselves since we are built around the African concept of "ubuntu". Further the Ubuntu LoCo's operate as leaders in the free culture/open source movement with high expectations and ideals that we both place upon ourselves and that are placed upon us by others observing us as together we struggle to address bug #1.

Another relevant, famous African concept word we can apply to conflict resolution is "harambee"; literally "all pull together".