
Differences between revisions 13 and 14
Revision 13 as of 2007-01-18 11:30:59
Size: 1841
Editor: pc-187-7-227
Revision 14 as of 2007-01-18 23:59:51
Size: 1853
Editor: pc-187-7-227
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 * Internet setup including dial-up  * Internet setup including dial-up (completed)

The New to Ubuntu Handbook

A working group of Ubuntu Toronto with members from across Canada

The Task

Create a letter size page (two sided) CD liner note for installing and setting up Ubuntu.The language has to be understood by a person who has some prior knowledge of computers but no prior Linux experience.

The handbook will be folded and inserted into a paper CD jacket that could be taped to the cardboard sleeve that Ubuntu 6.06 LTS discs come in. The two sided printing and using the paper sleeve is envionmentally friendly and can be done in-house without contracting out. The size restrictions will prove a challenge but it is nothing that cannot be overcome.

The Wiki site [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows] should be a valuable resource but it will require editing to bring it down to the size requirements.

The Subject Headings

  • Minimum System Requirements (Pentium 1-4 or equivalent 256 MB RAM 4 Gigabytes of Free disc space)
  • Bios modifications How to do it.(completed)
  • Making space for Ubuntu , partitioning for the new user. (work in progress)
  • Using the Live-Boot process to determine if hardware is compatible ?(completed)
  • Install, clean install and dual-boot proceedure.(completed)
  • Internet setup including dial-up (completed)
  • E-mail setup (work in progress)
  • Where to go for further help (completed)

Members of the working group are encouraged to add additional subject headings or to change the order of the headings

Individuals interested in joining this working group are asked to contact mr.kim.king(at)gmail.com

CanadianTeam/Toronto/UbuntuGuidebook (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:08 by localhost)