Current Status

This project is defunct. It will be revisited in the future as Ubuntu Vancouver grows and community needs are re-assessed.


This page originated from several mailing list discussions regarding web sites. Threads are here:

Problem Statement

Describe the problem you are trying to solve, or that you feel needs to be solved. Be as specific as possible. Add your text to the other problem statements. It's important that everyone's voice be heard, so please add text, not modify or delete.


Add any specific data here to support (or refute) problem statements above.

excerpt from Jono Bacon, Community Manager, as part of OpenWeek IRC sessions this morning Nov 3rd, 2009. || Session: Getting People involved in your LoCo/Team
(09:20:44 AM) jono: the first thing you need is a firm web presence

(09:20:58 AM) jono: now, so so so many team make the same mistake when they form

(09:21:01 AM) jono: it works a little like this:

(09:21:17 AM) jono: 1. Start a team

(09:21:29 AM) jono: 2. Create a communication channel - typically a mailing list

(09:21:41 AM) jono: 3. Get close friends involved - the team is now about 5 people strong

(09:21:53 AM) jono: 4. Promote a little - a few blog entries, Twitter posts

(09:22:00 AM) jono: 5. Decide a web presence is needed.

(09:22:10 AM) jono: 6. Spend the next two months bickering about which CMS to use

(09:22:43 AM) jono: the first few months of any team are like the first few months of a babies life - it is about making a social connection

(09:22:52 AM) jono: and not arguing about what color their clothes should be

(09:23:18 AM) jono: the first few months should be about building a team - starting to develop these social connections

(09:23:40 AM) jono: it is about ensuring that people can meet each other, get to know other people in the team, learning what skills everyone can bring to the team etc

(09:23:57 AM) jono: the arguing about CMSs issue always detracts from setting up a team

(09:24:21 AM) jono: as such I always recommend: create some wiki pages on and just use that for now as a means to store information, the CMS can come later

(09:24:52 AM) jono: the content on your web presence should be focused on these social connections

Declaration of Interest

Add your name to this list to indicate that you want to be involved in this project. Optionally, describe the level of interest that you have.

Declaration of Resources

If you have resources to add to the project, please state them here. Resources can be time, facilities, money, etc.

Comments, Regardless of Interest

This is an area to add your thoughts, regardless of how interested you are in the project. Everyone in the group should have a say.

Prototypes or Mock-Ups

If you have a mock-up or a prototype of a website that you would like to share, provide a link here:
Scott Nelson has prototyped a site using Drupal:
Eric Hedekar has prototyped a site using Drupal: (though his server is admittedly painfully slow)
Reza has created a project in Launchpad, complete with a Sprint, a blueprint and a milestone; following Dan Trende's advice. read more ...

CanadianTeam/Vancouver/webproject (last edited 2010-04-17 16:26:58 by S0106001d6abf3cb2)