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Revision 12 as of 2006-11-13 17:04:47
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Editor: c-24-13-53-221
Revision 13 as of 2007-01-13 21:24:56
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Editor: c-24-13-53-221
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["UpdatingADeb"] [ UpdatingADeb]


I like testing things. I have a pile of hardware and don't mind putting it to use. My latest obsession: ["Installation/LocalNet"]

[ UpdatingADeb]

My day job:

Local pages that I find handy for #Ubuntu:



[RestrictedFormats] MplayerInstallHowto



WPAHowTo - what I used to get WPA working in Dapper. too bad I didn't take better notes, cuz I am sure it is now really simple. pretty sure Edgy is even better.

I have my name on the transcode.deb project, only because I wanted it to exist and noone else was stepping up. But I havn't done much lately, so if anyone wants to take over, let me know and I'll pass on my notes.

standard plug:

>What distro?

Ubuntu - cuz Paul recommended it and I haven't regretted it for over a year. I have used Slackware, RH, Mandrake, FC, Gentoo. All work, and I am sure they have all matured sense I used them, so they are probably "all the same."

But... Ubuntu has some 'business practices' or something that caught my eye: Edubuntu for schools - I have seen some other edu targeted distros, but never a *close* derivative of a *popular* distro. (it is on the home page of, not buried or some other groups project.) This earns 2 points in my book: 1) I like schools, I think they can use all the help they can get, so anything I can do to help Edubuntu (like helping ubuntu) might help schools. 2) Strength in numbers - if Edubuntu takes off, there will be that much more activity, which somehow help make Ubuntu better.

same for xUbuntu - "ideal for old or low-end machines, as well as thin-client networks." - on, helps people with low end machines that cant afford to keep up with MS. and for the low bandwidth people: "ShipIt lets you request Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) CDs that will be posted to you free of charge."

Ubuntu will support the each version for 1.5 years with security patches. or maybe 3 or 5 years - not sure what the LTS (long term support) thing is they just slapped on. also not sure who backs this promise.. 'management', Mark S. but whatever Wink ;)

They (who?) offer commercial support, but not like the RH FC game where you get beta for free but have to pay for stable. again, seems like the Ubuntu way will gather a bigger following ... strength in numbers.

Package management: rpm or deb? No clue. I hear .deb is better, but I have a feeling it isn't the file format, but the 'condition' of repositories. like how compatible everything is. you want package X, it depends on Y1, Yn, which depend... and you already have Y3,Z5 - and they are the right versions. (provided you stick with the ubuntu repositories and not start using debian and others like for the current version of wine.

I did just "build a .deb from source" a few days ago by following That doesn't mean I can take a source tarbal and make a .deb - it means I can download the source.deb and run the command to compile it into a binary .deb. I am sure you can do the same thing with rpm, so I am not seeing any advantage.

Ubuntu is fun to say.


CarlKarsten (last edited 2011-12-21 18:53:20 by carlfk)