My name is Cesar Gomez, 32 years old, male, born in the city of Cucuta, Norte de santander, residing at Bucaramanga, Santander. Currently i'm studing in the Unidades Tecnologicas de Santander, Systems Engineering. Smile |)

Contact Info Location: Floridablanca,Bucaramanga, Colombia Launchpad Profile: cegope Languages: Spanish, English IRC:CesarGomez on Twitter: cgope Currently using: Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander

Teams :



Ubuntu Colombian Team IconsPage/iconCircle.png


Ubuntu Member IconsPage/IconGlobe.png


Council Ubuntu-co IconsPage/IconHandshake.png


Classroom-Es IconsPage/IconExample48.png


Personal Goals :

Objetives in Ubuntu and Ubuntu-CO :

Contributions :

  1. FLISOL 2011- Latin American free software install fest-Bucaramanga, Representing Ubuntu Colombia

  2. Participates and join in Ubuntu Open Week to be held from 9 to 13 th May, 2011. Session: how to obtain support and don't die in the intent.

  3. Member of Documentation project - Ubuntu Colombia

  4. Ubuntu Global Jam Flayer design

  5. Speaker at SoftwareFreedomDay-2011 , Representing Ubuntu Colombia

External Contributions :

  1. Memeber at CUSOL - Free software community college
  2. Speaker at Software Freedom Day 18/09/2010 - Bucaramanga

  3. FLISOL 2010- Latin American free software install fest-Bucaramanga
  4. FLISOL 2011- Latin American free software install fest-Bucaramanga

  5. SoftwareFreedomDay-2011 Bucaramanga 2011

Testimonials :

waiting Funny :))

Cesar has been a very important development that has taken CUSOL-UIS community today. He has also given great help and support to new and existing users in the use of free operating systems in particular Ubuntu. A more personal way, has given me great support in ubuntu handling and management of events related to the diffusion of free software. Nury Farelo Velasquez - CUSOL-UIS

Don Cesar is one of the more active ubuntu colombia's members his work in bucaramanga colombia is awensome, he is a very good friend and he provide a 'powerful' support for ubuntu users in colombia IngForigua

Cesar was my "padawan" Big Grin :) when I retired of the Ubuntu Colombia council i trained Cesar in all the Ubuntu Colombian administration tools, now he is a very active member in the U-co's team.HollmanEnciso

Since Cesar entered into the Ubuntu Colombia community his grown and involvement has been phenomenal. It's great to have him as an outstanding member of the community.AndresMujica

Cesar is truly one of the members who most contributes to the local community, always demonstrating a friendly attitude to make any type of work required, for this reason will be great to have him as an official member. SergioMeneses

CesarGomez (last edited 2017-08-13 03:38:31 by cegope)