
Revision 50 as of 2009-12-26 12:48:01

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Charlie Smotherman (porthose)

Welcome to my wiki page. I mainly set up this page to document my contributions to Ubuntu. I am the current Maintainer of the Ampache and Ampache-themes, upnp-inspector, quickplay packages, and I am the Co-Maintainer of Coherence and Pylirc package in Debian. I am active in the Ampache/Coherence/Debian/Ubuntu communities and assist in the forums/IRC as time permits. I am also a member of the BugSquad, and BugControl.

Launchpad page
Launchpad Related Software page
Debian QA page

Packages Maintained In Debian

Packages Co-Maintained in Debian

Ubuntu Per Package Uploader For

  • Ampache

Ubuntu LP Bugs Worked On

Debian BTS Bugs Worked On

Team Participation

  • Ubuntu Universe Contributors
  • Ubuntu Bug Control
  • Ubuntu Bug Squad
  • Launchpad Beta Testers
  • REVU uploaders
  • OpenID Testers
  • Oklahoma LoCo Team

  • Ubuntu Texas LoCo Team

  • Ubuntu Dallas

Contact Info

  • Charlie Smotherman
  • Email: <cjsmo AT SPAMFREE ubuntu DOT com>

  • IRC freenode #ubuntu-motu (porthose)
  • IRC freenode #ampache (porthose)
  • IRC freenode #coherence (porthose)

