
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2007-01-08 23:52:26
Size: 1785
Editor: dD5773D67
Revision 2 as of 2007-01-09 00:17:14
Size: 1823
Editor: dD5773D67
Comment: Link wording beautified
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 6: Line 6:
 * ''Sunday 28, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Luik, Halles des Foires (Quai de Wallonie)''  * ''Sunday 28, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Liège, Halles des Foires (Quai de Wallonie)''
Line 14: Line 14:
   * '''["BelgianTeam/Fosdem_2007"]: Fosdem booth (ULB Brussels)'''
     * '''Sun 25, 14:00: ["BelgianTeam/Fosdem_2007-02-25"]: ubuntu-be meeting'''
   * '''[wiki:BelgianTeam/Fosdem2007 Fosdem booth] (ULB Brussels)'''
     * '''Sun 25, 14:00: [wiki:BelgianTeam/Fosdem_2007-02-25 ubuntu-be meeting]'''
Line 19: Line 19:
 * '''Mon-Thu 5-8: ["BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007"]: Vlaamse onderwijsdagen'''  * '''Mon-Thu 5-8: [wiki:BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007 Vlaamse onderwijsdagen] (Flemish education days), Gent'''

This is an attempt at recording the current and past events of [wiki:BelgianTeam ubuntu-be]. It also contains some unconfirmed events that might be of interest to ubuntu-be. Important events are highlighted. Feel free to expand this page! Past events should be moved to the ["/Archive"].

January 2007

  • Sunday 14, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Antwerpen, Sporthal Schijnpoort (Schijnpoortweg)

  • Sunday 21, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Gent, ICC Ghent (Citadelpark)

  • Sunday 28, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Liège, Halles des Foires (Quai de Wallonie)

February 2007

  • Sunday 4, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Leuven, Brabanthal (Brabantlaan)

  • Sunday 11, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Oostende, Media Center (Troonstraat)

  • Sunday 18, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Charleroi, Palais des Expo (Av. De L'Europe)

  • Sat, Sun, 24-25
    • Hobby & Microcomputerdagen, Antwerp Expo (Bouwcentrum)

    • [wiki:BelgianTeam/Fosdem2007 Fosdem booth] (ULB Brussels)

      • Sun 25, 14:00: [wiki:BelgianTeam/Fosdem_2007-02-25 ubuntu-be meeting]

March 2007

  • Sunday 4, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Genk, Limburghal (Jaarbeurslaan)

  • Mon-Thu 5-8: [wiki:BelgianTeam/VLOD_2007 Vlaamse onderwijsdagen] (Flemish education days), Gent

  • Sunday 11, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Wieze, Oktoberhallen (Schroverstr)

  • Sunday 18, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Kortrijk, Bouwcentrum Pottelberg (Engelse Wandeling)

  • Sunday 25, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Brugge, Beurshalle (Beursplein)

April 2007

  • Sunday 1, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Mechelen, Nekkerhal

May 2007

  • Sunday 6, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Gent, ICC Ghent (Citadelpark)

  • Sunday 13, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Antwerpen, Sporthal Schijnpoort (Schijnpoortweg)

  • Sunday 20, 10:00-17:00: Dipro Hasselt, Grenslandhallen (G. Verwilghensingel)

Cheezycrust/Calendar (last edited 2008-08-06 16:36:04 by localhost)