Contact Info
Name: Chris Scheib
Location: Metro Detroit, MI, USA
GPG Public Key: 708DAE97
- Started using Linux in 1997... Slackware for a very short bit, then mostly Red Hat
- Used Debian Unstable for the last 2 years, and switched to Ubuntu about 5 months ago (a month or so before Warty release)
- Currently employed as a Backup and Restoration Administrator in the Auto Industry
Current Interests/Projects
Xen - looking into packaging userspace utils and kernels
User Mode Linux - Currently run my personal domain off of UML
- LDAP - I have 2 years of experience using LDAP as a backend user authentication database
Member of DetroitTeam LoCo... trying to become more active in the Ubuntu community
- Looking into becoming a part of the MOTU, packaging efforts listed below.
- NEW package gsf-sharp in Universe (announcement apparently didn't make it through hoary-changes spam filter)
Repaired the x2vnc package
Repaired the ethereal package