
Self portrait

Hello, my name is Christoph Haas. I was born in Hamburg/Germany and have been living there for the last 31 years. The spare time my wife and son leave me currently is used mainly for supporting free software of any kind. I'll spare you my life story of BBS systems, C64 and Amiga. Smile :) I have been using UNIX derivates since I started my univeristy career in 1992 and could gain quite a lot of system and network management knowledge. I'm currently working in the network security department of a large mail order company.

What I waste my time for

These are current projects I am working on:

Ubuntu projects/contributions

I have (inofficially) entered the Doc Team in November 2004 thanks to the invitation of SivanGreen. Some things I have been working on since:

I'm attending the Conference between the 8. and 11.

High Availability


ChristophHaas (last edited 2008-08-06 16:31:01 by localhost)