
Revision 18 as of 2009-01-07 03:30:59

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About Me

About Me

Real Name: Collin Pruitt

(1) <>

(1) #ubuntuforums-beginners
(2) ##Hellow
(3) /msg Hellow

(1) Hellow

(1) Hellow

Participation in the Ubuntu Community

I regularly visit the Ubuntu Forums and help out where I can.

I have written a few short HowTo's so far. I am involved with the UF Beginners team, and I frequent the forums and the wiki. I mainly stay on IRC, though.

My HowTo's

(1) HOWTO: Download Youtube Videos w/o conversion
(2) HOWTO: Add the Trash icon to the desktop (3) HOWTO: Compile Compiz Fusion Manually from Tarballs


I am currently working alongside DuncanLithgow on the Applications Documentation Project I also founded the UF Jewels Project. It is a project to collect and maintain a database of the most important and influential threads in the Ubuntu Forums, although I cannot do this alone. Please feel free to contribute wherever you feel you should, as this is a very daunting task for 1 person.

Frequently Used Applications

I use several applications throughout my day, depending on what pops up. Here are a few:

  • Pidgin
  • Firefox 3
  • GIMP
  • Inkscape
  • Lifera Feed Reader
  • Kompozer
  • Rhythmbox Music Player
  • Movie Player

  • Teeworlds (hey, who said you cant have a little fun?)

Plans for the Future

I plan on continuing to expand my skill in Ubuntu and linux as a whole. I also plan on continuing to learn Python and C++. I plan on continuing my contribution to the Ubuntu community in more ways than one. I also plan on becoming a Ubuntu Member.

Registered User Of

Registered Ubuntu User #23069


* Vantrax - Hellow/Colin is a helpful and positive influence in the community, forums, Beginners Team. Always willing to help in anyway that he can either in the forums or on IRC.