
Revision 3 as of 2007-08-21 03:31:00

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- T-Shirt Design Page - The idea here is to upload some designs for our team T-shirt. It will also be our shirt for software freedom day for anyone planning to attend. After we get a few designs we will vote and the best one will become our shirt. I'll take orders and get them printed. We need at least 24 orders.

I was thinking we could give a free t-shirt to the winning designer too.

Let the contest begin.

-- Commitments to Order --

Fill in the form below to commit to a shirt of some sort. Without about 20 or so committing to buy them it will not make much sense to put in an order. We might also consider ordering 20 or so and then reselling them at meetings for the people that don't follow the mail list so much. I (Jim) will volunteer to collect the money and order the shirts (if everyone trusts me :)). I will not ask for any money until we are ready to put in the order. However, please indicate how you will pay so I know what to expect. You can send a check or PayPal. Cash works too if you close enough to me to deliver it. However, Pay Pal would be best.

  • NAME





    Pay Pal

    Leon Jaimes


    Pay Pal