
Revision 16 as of 2011-08-18 12:45:46

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Testing for Compiz

  1. Grab the compiz release candidate from this PPA.

  2. Go through each test and try to break it. If it breaks read the existing bug report, if you break it in a different way file a new bug report.


We need people to run decorator tests and compiz core tests.

Decorator Tests



Bug Reports

Move windows

Move windows multiple g-terms, move around, switch between windows, go beyond screen limits


Maximize / unmaximize

Try all known methods: double click title bar, window buttons, and drag to top/sides. As well as the accompanying drag away from top/sides.


Window Buttons

Make sure they all work: close, minimize, maximize


Right click menu

Right-clicking on a window decoration should *not* bring up a menu anymore

Resizing Windows

Try different sizes; resize a terminal to a 1x1 square; move windows around; try to resize g-calc (it shouldn’t)

827566 827560

Focus Switching

Focus switching via launcher, mouse clicks


All windows have rounded tops, square bottoms, and proper shadows.

Compiz Core Tests



Bug Report

Stacking Issues

Are windows showing up in the wrong z order?

Invisible Windows

This one is obvious, if you can't click anywhere you probably have it.

Test case for ICCCM 4.1.4

Stack hack tests

Weird alt-tab issues

Wrong window moving across workspaces

Full screen Windows

Dialog Tests

Launch gitk

Filing Bugs

  1. When filing a bug tag it with compiz-testing-

  2. Check out the rest of the plan if you're looking for stuff to do!