
Revision 3 as of 2007-09-19 17:35:03

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Test Compiz Effects

To test if compiz is working correctly, please run the following steps:

New install/LiveCD

  1. Test if compiz is running by pressing SUPER (windows key)+ e at the same time
  2. Open the Example Documents and play the "Experience ubuntu.ogg" and see if that playing works
  3. Press ALT+F2 and type "glxgears" and see if it works
  4. Watch out for screen artifacts


  1. If you had compiz running, test if it is still running after the upgrade
  2. If compiz was not running, try to enable it via System/Preferences/Apperance, then go to Desktop Effects and set it to "Normal effects"
  3. Verify that it works by pressing SUPER(windows key)+e
  4. Verify that the workspace layout and the keybindings are preserved
  5. Open the Example Documents and play the "Experience ubuntu.ogg" and see if that playing works
  6. Press ALT+F2 and type "glxgears" and see if it works
  7. Watch out for screen artifacts

Please report any problems you observe and include some details of the problem and the files "~/.xsession-errors" and the output of "lspci -n".