About Me

I'm Ubuntu user since 2005 and I have been participating with the Chilean LoCo Team since 2011. I'm part of the Chilean Loco Team and its LocoContact . Also I'm student Software Engineer (Estudiante de Ingeniería en Informática).

My contributions to Ubuntu

Roles in the local community

I'm active member of Chilean LoCo team, participating in the mails list, IRC. My current activities are:

A picture with Germán Poó Caamaño


Projects and Activities which I've involved


Ubuntu He is a young men with everything ahead of him. He has vision, he wants to be there, he works hard for Ubuntu and the Team. He loves what he does and following the proper road he would be an amazing asset for Ubuntu as a member. SergioMeneses


CristianAravena (last edited 2012-04-20 14:56:58 by pc-211-147-120-200)