
Revision 3 as of 2005-11-01 16:38:43

Clear message


All the elements of the default desktop should be nices, easy to find and contribute to a good user experience.


Use cases

  • Michael finds the list of language screen of the login screen pretty ugly and doesn't match the nice default them
  • Scott thinks that the in/out activity of the default network applet is pretty disturbing
  • Claire has just discovered how to change workspaces while clicking by error on the corresponding applet, she thinks that's a nice feature but it should be easier to figure what these squares on the bottom panel do




(read GdmRoadmap about that too)

The current language list is ugly and doesn't match the login screen theme.

We are going to:

  • make it use the human GTK theme
  • add icons to the context menu
  • change the bottom/left actions by an "Advanced" item
  • change the way to list the languages

The options for the list of languages are still to discuss:

  • list only the language (ie: english) with a disclosure widget for the variants
  • give indications on how to add a new language
  • sort the languages by region?

We should have an another spec about those changes?

The session menu has a "Default System Session" item, what it does is not clear, we are going to rename it.

network applet

The in/out activity is annoying, network manager will fix that

the "log out" is not easy enough to find

We are going to put a button to the top-right corner for this. - we are going to have a top level button for this => top right corner - no radio buttons, and "Cancel" as the default button

the session dialog need to be reworked

The current dialog is quite ugly we are going to design a new one, which:

  • uses different categories for logout/switch user and shutdown/reboot
  • doesn't use radio button
  • has "cancel" as default action

workspace switcher

We want to keep this applet on the default panel because that's a nice, powerful feature that users like and that windows doesn't have. The feature is not obvious to user, we are going to add a tooltip for it (like the clock applet one).

volume control applet

ubuntu express/hardware database collector

battstat applet

The artwork need to be reworked. Nokia has a nice icon for this. We need to get a description of the artwork we want during UBZ.

network manager

We are going to have it for dapper so it should be pushed as soon as possible to get feedback on it.

update notifier

  • an issue is that's different of the window version
  • has an x on it, just have to click


Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion