
Revision 12 as of 2006-05-17 02:02:22

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Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Flight 8

The Ubuntu team is proud to present the Flight 8 release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support). With Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Flight 8 comes many bug fixes, improved artwork and general fixes all around.


Note: This is still a development release. Do not install it on production machines. The final stable version will be released in June of 2006.


We are now in the final stages of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS development. Everything is stabilizing and Ubuntu 6.06 LTS will certainly be a top-notch professional OS. With a five year support cycle Ubuntu 6.06 LTS will provide enterprise users with a platform upon which to build solutions and products that will be beneficial for years to come. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the result of many months of hard work to deliver a solid, usable and reliable operating system to everyone for free. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Flight 8 is intended for wide spread testing so take a tour of all the great new features then download a copy for yourself and give it a try.


Get it while it's hot. CD images for installation and live demonstration are available for direct download and BitTorrent. Note that it is now possible to perform a default installation using the new graphical installer on the live CD rather than the traditional installer on the install CD, and this method is recommended for most users.

Upgrading from Ubuntu 5.10

A new version of the Update Manager application has entered breezy-updates which can upgrade your entire system in a few simple steps.

To perform the upgrade:

  1. Update your system to ensure that you have the latest version of Update Manager and associated packages. The necessary versions are available from the breezy-updates repository, which is enabled by default.

  2. Run the following command (either via ALT-F2 or a terminal):

gksudo "update-manager -d"
  • The "-d" switch instructs Update Manager to consider pre-release versions, including this Beta release. Without this switch, only official, final releases will be considered.

If you have a working network connection, it should then inform you about a new release and offer to upgrade your system.

Live CD Graphical Installer Improvements

The Live CD Graphical Installer is now the prefered method of installing Ubuntu. In addition to being a friendly graphical interface the Live CD also allows you to use your machine for almost any task while waiting for the installation to be completed. This virtually eliminates the usual "down time" while performing clean installations. You can check your email, chat with friends, play games and more while installing Ubuntu. Since the new Live CD Graphical Installer is the preferred installation method it has received a great deal of attention to ensure that it works as reliably as its text-mode counterpart.

Updated Multimedia Framework

attachment:gstreamer-logo-50.png Ubuntu 6.06 LTS has also received an updated multimedia framework. The gstreamer 0.10.7 stable release is now used by default providing a rich multimedia experience for a wide range of media formats.

Additional Look and Feel Polish

Desktop Layout

The default desktop layout has continued to improve in large part because of the new Ubuntulooks GTK theme and Human icon theme.

Menu Tweaks

More New Icons

The Human Icon Theme continues to improve. Modifications have been made based on user feedback and the set is nearly complete. Some of the new icons include, but not limited to, the following:

attachment:dialog-information.png attachment:dialog-warning.png attachment:gnome-globe.png attachment:trashcan_empty.png


Firefox has been updated to the latest stable version giving user an even more stable and secure web browsing experience.

Screenshot X: Firefox


Sun's Java Now Available in Multiverse

Sun's new CEO, Jonathan Schwartz, announced the new Distributor License for Java (DLJ) during his keynote at this years JavaOne conference. This new license makes it possible for distributors, specifically Ubuntu and Debian, to ship Java packaged as part of the distribution. On top of that, Java has already been packaged up and is in multiverse ready for use.

sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk

For more information about the announcement see:

Participate in Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at

Some things you can do to help Ubuntu right now are to simply download the CD (links above), perform some basic testing, and report bugs when you find them.


If you plan to do an installation of Dapper Beta, be sure to head to [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing Testing]. With just a few minutes of time at your hands, you can really help to improve Ubuntu. We have two different tests; one takes just a short while, but the other is more thorough.

Reporting Bugs

Your comments, bug reports, patches, and suggestions will help fix bugs and improve future releases. Please report bugs through Launchpad's Bug tracker Malone:

More Information

You can find out more about Ubuntu on our website, IRC channel, and wiki. If you're new to Ubuntu, please visit:

To sign up for future Ubuntu development announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's development announcement list at:

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources discussing current Ubuntu 6.06 and GNOME 2.14 developments.

Previous Development Release Tours

A Look at GNOME 2.14

For a more in depth tour of new GNOME 2.14 features see Davyd Madeley's great article, "A Look at GNOME 2.14", at:

This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team. Please feel free to contact us regarding any concerns or suggestions by either sending an email to [mailto:ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com] or by using any of the other methods on the [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Contact Ubuntu Documentation Team Contact Information Page].