
Revision 1 as of 2006-06-05 09:20:03

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Known Ubiquity issues in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

(Ubiquity is the new graphical installer on the Desktop CD.)

  • Crash if /boot is on XFS: [https://launchpad.net/bugs/47848 #47848] If you use manual partitioning to select an XFS root filesystem, and if you do not create a non-XFS /boot filesystem, then the installer will crash while trying to install GRUB. This is due to some reliability problems between GRUB and XFS, exacerbated by an installer bug. The workaround is either to use a non-XFS root filesystem or to create an XFS /boot filesystem.

  • Crash if system partitions are not reformatted: [https://launchpad.net/bugs/47046 #47046]

    If you use manual partitioning and do not check the "Reformat?" box for filesystems you mount on /, /boot, /usr, /var, or subdirectories of those, then the installer may crash while copying files to the target system. The workaround is to make sure to reformat these filesystems (note that /home, /media/*, and so on do not need to be formatted). If you are upgrading an existing installation and want to save existing data, then you should follow the instructions in DapperUpgrades rather than using the Desktop CD's installer.

  • Crash if some packages on running live session are unconfigured: [https://launchpad.net/bugs/47859 #47859]

    If you choose to install NTP support during installation, or if you tried to install a package in the live session before starting the installer but left the package incompletely installed, then the installer may crash while installing language packs. The workaround is not to choose to install NTP support during installation (it can be installed after rebooting into the newly-installed system), or not to install the offending package, or to remove any incompletely installed packages entirely using dpkg --purge PACKAGENAME before starting the installer.