
Differences between revisions 43 and 44
Revision 43 as of 2006-06-13 11:30:06
Size: 10504
Editor: CPE-144-133-223-44
Comment: Removed temporary and trivial comment.
Revision 44 as of 2006-06-14 00:02:16
Size: 10509
Editor: 192
Comment: better grammar
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    * get a CD of the Dapper packages, and include it in the upgrade, so only a few packages that were released since the "Dapper" CD was produced needs to be got off the internet at the time that you perform the upgrade.     * get a CD of the Dapper packages, and include it in the upgrade, so only a few packages that were released since the "Dapper" CD was produced need to be obtained from the internet at the time that you perform the upgrade.

What is Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS is the current version of the Ubuntu operating system. It was released June 1st, 2006. The common name given this release from the time of its early development was "Dapper Drake".


Upgrading from Ubuntu 5.10 ("Breezy Badger")

There are two considerations to make when updating to Dapper.

  1. Whether you will
    • get all the latest software (as upgrade packages) from the internet at the time that you perform the upgrade, or
    • get a CD of the Dapper packages, and include it in the upgrade, so only a few packages that were released since the "Dapper" CD was produced need to be obtained from the internet at the time that you perform the upgrade.
  2. Whether you will
    • use the standard package management tools already installed by default in Breezy, or
    • hack files and run commands from the command line.

You can upgrade using the GUI tools, and/or if so inclined, can edit configuration files and run upgrade programs from a command line. These approaches are described more fully in the next sections.

Upgrading with the Update Manager application

This is the simplest way for most users, especially if you are not an expert.

  1. First, update your system to ensure that you have the latest version of "Update Manager" and associated packages. A new version of "Update Manager" that can upgrade your entire system from Breezy to Dapper in a few simple steps is released, and available from the "Breezy-Updates" package repository.
    • Make sure your system is using this repository. Confirm that you have version "0.42.2ubuntu12~breezy1" or newer of Update-manager installed, using the "Synaptic Package Manager" application. You need to ensure that your system is aware of what the latest versions are. If your system is not automatically checking for the latest updates, turn it on or do it manually. (In Synaptic go to menu "Settings -> Repositories", then the "Settings" button.

      • If the check box "Automatically check for software updates" is off,
        • turn it on, or
        • do it manually via either the "Reload" button or menu "Edit -> Reload Package Information").

    • Then, still in "Synaptic Package Manager", update "Update Manager" to the latest version and quit "Synaptic Package Manager".
  2. Open the Update Manager from the System/Administration menu, or run the following command (either via ALT-F2 or a terminal):
     gksudo "update-manager" 
    Click the "Check" button.

If you have a working network connection, it should then inform you about the new release of Dapper, and offer to upgrade your system to it.

Upgrading by changing sources and the command line

If you are using Kubuntu and don't want to download the GTK applications required for the update manager, or you don't wish to use the update manager for any other reason, then follow this process for upgrading to Dapper (Ubuntu 6.06) from Breezy (Ubuntu 5.10).

  1. Make sure that you have ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, or edubuntu-desktop installed (depending on which distribution you are using). This is vital for apt to perform the upgrade successfully.
  2. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list as root:
     kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list 
    Or if you're using GNOME/XFCE:
     gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" 
    And change every occurrence of "breezy" to "dapper". Your sources.list should look something like this, now:
     ## All officially supported packages, including security- and other updates
     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted
     deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted
     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted
     ## The source packages (only needed to recompile existing packages)
     #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted
     #deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted
     #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted
     ## All community supported packages, including security- and other updates
     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse
     deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe multiverse
     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multiverse
     ## The source packages (only needed to recompile existing packages)
     #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse
     #deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe multiverse
     #deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multiverse
     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 


  • . Enter the command exactly as above, so the  dist-upgrade  step will run only if the  update  step is successful. If the first step fails but you still attempt to run the second step, you will probably end up with a corrupted system.

  • . Make sure you type  dist-upgrade  rather than  upgrade , because  upgrade  will totally hose your machine and render it completely unbootable. (Why? This warning would have a lot more impact if someone could explain it!)

Upgrading from an Ubuntu 6.06 CD

  1. Make sure that you have the package "ubuntu-desktop" or "kubuntu-desktop" or "edubuntu-desktop" installed (depending on the distribution you are using).
  2. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list as root:
    • For Ubuntu/Xubuntu:
         gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" 
      or for Kubuntu:
         kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list 
      and change every occurrence of "breezy" to "dapper".
  3. either
  4. Run:
    •    sudo apt-cdrom add 
      Insert the CD, and press enter.
  5. Run:
    •    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 

Upgrading from Ubuntu releases prior to 5.10

  1. Upgrade to Ubuntu 5.10 (see BreezyUpgradeNotes)

  2. Follow the above instructions for upgrading from 5.10

Upgrading from Ubuntu Dapper betas

If you are a tester or have been tracking updates to pre-release Dapper via APT then congratulations, your updates after June 1 will now bring you up to date with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS "Dapper" final.


  • In the unlikely event you encouter some problems, double check that your required meta package is installed for your flavor. For Ubuntu this is 'ubuntu-desktop', for Kubuntu 'kubuntu-desktop', etc.
  • Ensure all necessary packages are completely installed and configured by issuing these commands (via ALT+F2 if necessary):
      sudo apt-get -f install
      sudo dpkg --configure -a
  • Check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and ~/xsession-errors log files.
  • Check that you have the "breezy-updates" repository enabled. It can be enabled from the Synaptic package manager or by editing /etc/apt/sources.list with a text editor.

PCMCIA Services Hang

There is a bug that causes some upgrades to hang on non-PCMCIA machines while setting up the PCMCIA services. Further, once this happens, the boot process of the machine will always hang at the point of starting PCMCIA services; this happens even when booting in recovery mode. The bug report is [https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/35140 here]

A fix for this problem is in the dapper-updates repository. We strongly recommend that upgraders enable dapper-updates while upgrading. This will make the workaround below unnecessary.

The workaround for this bug is as follows (this worked for me; I can make no guarantees about other computers -- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK):

  1. Reboot using a bootable rescue CD. I recommend the Ubuntu Live CD,[http://sysresccd.org/ System Rescue CD], or [http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/index-en.html Knoppix].

  2. Mount the partition containing /etc (usually your root filesystem) read-write. A typical command sequence for this would be
    •   mkdir /mnt/hda1
        mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 -o rw 
  3. Move the files  etc/init.d/pcmcia  and  etc/init.d/pcmciautils  somewhere else (to keep them from executing on startup). A typical command sequence for this would be:

    •    cd /mnt/hda1/etc
         mv init.d/pcmcia pcmcia.bak
         mv init.d/pcmciautils pcmciautils.bak 
  4. Remove the CD, and boot your computer from the hard disk.
  5. Before logging in, in the bottom left corner, select Options -> Sessions -> GNOME. When asked whether to change this to the default session, say "No". (This step is necessary because the unfinished setup process rendered the default session unusable.)

  6. Open a terminal and run
    •  sudo dpkg --configure -a  (you can't use synaptic or the updater for this, they're both broken in the current system state). If you watch the terminal, the attempt to setup the package pcmcia-cs will fail because it can't find the file we moved; this is OK. Wait for the configure to finish; it will take a long time.

  7. (Optional) Move the pcmcia init scripts back with
    •    mv /etc/pcmcia.bak /etc/init.d/pcmcia
         mv /etc/pcmciautils.bak /etc/init.d/pcmciautils 
      Now that the setup is finished, they will no longer hang the machine (but if this bug is affecting you, they won't do anything either, so it doesn't matter either way).
  8. Reboot the machine. It should boot normally now (into Dapper!). You can now run
    •    sudo apt-get -f install
         sudo dpkg --configure -a 
      just to be safe, but they should do nothing. Congratulations, your system is fixed!


DapperUpgrades (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:17 by localhost)