
Revision 5 as of 2006-12-06 10:57:41

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This page intends to give an overview over how to efficiently debug Telepathy problems.

Debugging Connection managers

If problems occur in connection managers, the debug output can help sometimes:

  • For telepathy-salut:

    SALUT_DEBUG=all telepathy-salut
  • For telepathy-gabble:

    GABBLE_DEBUG=all telepathy-gabble

Just make sure you stop all instances of those connection-managers beforehand. You can also test connection-managers using the telepathy-inspector package.

Persistent Connection Managers

To make telepathy-idle not exit, when there's not client connected, use this:

IDLE_PERSIST=1 telepathy-idle

Debugging Apps

If problems occur in clients, you can get debug output for them too:

  • For gossip:

    GOSSIP_DEBUG=all gossip
  • For cohoba:

    /usr/lib/cohoba/cohoba-applet -w
    /usr/lib/cohoba/cohoba-applet houston

[:CategoryTelepathy]BR [:CategoryBugSquad]