
Revision 1 as of 2006-12-17 15:01:54

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Uploading log files after an installer crash

If you wish to provide a bug report of a crashed installer it is important to also include the relevant log files. These can be found in the Live CD file system while that session is still active.

Filing a bug

The crash dialog asks you to file a bug at

Simply follow the instruction to add a summary and description.

Please paste the backtrace displayed by the crash dialog and describe what stage you were at when it crashed, some information about your hardware and any special circumstances.

Adding an attachment

When you have entered the text and saved it you can add further attachments. Click 'Add a comment/attachment' at the bottom of the bug webpage.

[Screenshot of file browser]

Clicking Browse will open a file browser in the home directory of the default Live CD user.

The /var/log/syslog file

On newer systems (6.10 and 7.04) this is often the most important file and should be attached to crash reports.

The /var/log/partman file

If the installer crashes at or beyond the partition stage, then this file is also likely to be important.


On 6.06 versions and older the /var/log/installer/syslog file contains the key installer logs (later moved to /var/log/syslog). If you experience errors with 6.06 we would encourage you to also try the install with a later edition and add comments about that to your bug report.