
Revision 3 as of 2005-11-03 13:47:28

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DerivativeDistroProcess - Processes and infrastructure related to Ubuntu derivative distros.


Use cases

1. Let's assume we have a group of people, who set up media centers during large grassroots events. Setting up such media center involves - among other tasks - borrowing computers from local volunteers. In order not to mess with whatever these people have installed on their computers, media center uses LiveCDs. Most of workstations can run regular Ubuntu LiveCD, as they will be used just for text processing, sending emails and web access. However, some workstations need to run more sophisticated selection of software - for example for multimedia production: audio/video processing and streaming. In most of cases, preparing this kind of Ubuntu derivative would come down to getting rid of some packages and adding new to be included on the CD, like Audacity, VeeJay and others.

2. [ eRiders] (aka Circuit Riders) are people who (coming down to very basic definition) do technical support for non-profit organisations. As a part of their job, they promote FOSS as cheap yet effective alternative to proprietary software. Self-assembled LiveCD with proper documentation in local language and perhaps some applications that eRider thinks are usable for his clients would be extremely usable. Instead of giving a presentation on the laptop (which is, especially in developing countries, rather rare luxury), an eRider can plug the LiveCD in one of organisation's computers, run the presentation off it, and than hand over a couple of the same LiveCDs for people from organisation to play with.

3. Single eRider can sometimes have multiple organisations under her/his "patronage". These organisations work in different fields and therefore have many different needs. Two obvious advantages of being able to build customised distro emerge here: a) Let's say given eRider visits an organisation working in health care issues in West Africa. Organisation has 12 computers, however doesn't have internet connectivity. Perfect scenario would look like this: eRider visits the organisation, asseses their needs, comes back to his office, assembles and downloads appropriate Ubuntu derivative distro, comes back to the organisation and installs it on their computers off the CD. b) Given the above example takes place, this eRider could share his work with others working in other regions/countries, as a starting point for building their own distros for organisations working in health care. The only requirement for the above is to make the process of customising default Ubuntu distro as simple as choosing a set of packages and possibly also uploading additional resources like documentation.





Data preservation and migration

Outstanding issues

BoF agenda and discussion