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Revision 8 as of 2014-09-17 13:46:52
Size: 2587
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## Flavitu-Linux is one idea that developed team  had to stimulate the use of Linux in region of North Portugal and Spain , the project project the big objective - give to the people of this region information about Linux, Free-Software and Open-source. ## Flavitu-Linux is one idea that developed team had to stimulate the use of Linux in region of North Portugal and Spain , the project is a simply custom ISO with local apps, local language and custom environment. And we do some activities to spread info about GN/Linux & Ubuntu to make easy to the people of this region take information about Linux, Free-Software and Open-source.
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Flavitu meets the needs of people as a project sponsor to Linux as they begin to know Linux to take a picture it in your community near an objective element that encourages free knowledge. Flavitu mainly tries to reach people most in need of Digital Inclusion.
If possible encourage schools and libraries to use Fre systems, free software. Porduce science and knowledge with Linux.
So we are here to try make the difference...
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## The big singular quality inside Flavitu is the customization to promote the region of Flavitu with the theme of Euro-City of Chaves and Verín and uses this element of identification of the community of Euro-city to approach and promote to this people the Linux and free-software, with speciall dedication to use Flavitu in Biblios, in youth associations and of corse to the Digital inclusion.
Our symbol is one Mule because Mule is one animal help people in this rural regions (in the past) to transport all and work in the farming, this symbol indetify one singular and "honorific" animal help people in this regions.
Our symbol is one Mule - donkey because these animals help people in this rural regions (in the past) to transport all and work in the farming and social da-to-day tasks , this symbol identify one singular and "honorific" animal help people in this regions.
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We are interest in promote the real use and knowledge of people of Euro-city about Ubuntu, Linux, free-software and Digital Inclusion, to make her lives more happy with access to free comunnity, and T.I.
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Portaro - (Portuguese) joaoteixeira1984(at)gmail.com / Blog: http://tux-a-solta.blogspot.com/; Portaro - (Portuguese) joaoteixeira1984(at)gmail.com / Blog: http://flavitulinux.blogspot.pt/;
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## In this momment the project is active but the feddbacks is incipient and development team need this feedbacks.
we don't any relation with any institutions or companies of this Euro-region, our iniciative is totally altruistic, of 2 persons.
The mission of project is create one system with an image tha can approach people to the system, that provides and give to people security and identity to people of the Euro-city.
The mission of project is to maintain an effort and one project with an image that can approach people to the system, that provides and give to people security and identity with this project and increase the amount of linux users on the Euro-city.
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##In the last days Flavitu is used by one user to help him to demonstrate one objective case of customization of Ubuntu with Remastersys and demonstrate to one class what is the path to remaster / custom one distro.
In the other land is our future objective develop our capacity to comunicate to people and if possible make real our own presence in associations to incentive people and this spaces to use Linux and revitalize machines pcs with poor resources, elaborate a guide path to use free-software and uses of pcs in complex society with best results with the least expenditure - contribute to social growth with path of digital inclusion.
Create best custmom environment to our Flavitu.
Promote the use o Flavitu to an example to people to examines and experienced with him to create customs to associations or school groups, produce knowledge and science is determinant to develop this region, we are convinced that with Linux this need is much more easy.
Easy to use, custom aplications, specific info and works to spread info about GNU/Linux Ubuntu.
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Digital Inclusion.
-- We need developers to create and tested her scripts, and give a hand in our artwork.
Digital-Inclusion, Digital-education, Programming, Regional-Aplications, Contribute to join the Portuguese Linux users with Spanish Linux users to increase the Linux contact between these people and growth Linux knowledge and if possible make joint activities.


In this region there was never information about Linux and SL to the people living in this region - schools, libraries, conferences, working groups, workshops... there is nothing made related to linux ... . So we are here to try make the difference...

Our symbol is one Mule - donkey because these animals help people in this rural regions (in the past) to transport all and work in the farming and social da-to-day tasks , this symbol identify one singular and "honorific" animal help people in this regions.

Contact Information


Miguelator - (Spanish);

Portaro - (Portuguese) joaoteixeira1984(at)gmail.com / Blog: http://flavitulinux.blogspot.pt/;





The mission of project is to maintain an effort and one project with an image that can approach people to the system, that provides and give to people security and identity with this project and increase the amount of linux users on the Euro-city.


Easy to use, custom aplications, specific info and works to spread info about GNU/Linux Ubuntu.

Collaboration Focuses

Digital-Inclusion, Digital-education, Programming, Regional-Aplications, Contribute to join the Portuguese Linux users with Spanish Linux users to increase the Linux contact between these people and growth Linux knowledge and if possible make joint activities. --


DerivativeTeam/Derivatives/Flavitu-Linux (last edited 2016-02-18 12:19:24 by joaoteixeira1984)