
Revision 5 as of 2014-09-17 03:54:12

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In this region there was never information about Linux and SL to the people living in this region - schools, libraries, conferences, working groups, workshops... there is nothing made related to linux ... . So we are here to try...

Our symbol is one Mule- donkey because Mule - donkey is one animal help people in this rural regions (in the past) to transport all and work in the farming, this symbol indetify one singular and "honorific" animal help people in this regions.

Contact Information


Miguelator - (Spanish);

Portaro - (Portuguese) joaoteixeira1984(at)gmail.com / Blog: http://flavitulinux.blogspot.pt/;





The mission of project is to maintais the system and project with an image tha can approach people to the system, that provides and give to people security and identity with this project and gowth the ammount of linux users on the Euro-city.


Easy to use, custom aplications, specific info and works to spread info about GNU/Linux Ubuntu.

Collaboration Focuses

Digital-Inclusion, Digital-education, Programming, Regional-Aplications, Contribute to join the Portuguese Linux users with Spanish Linux users to increase the Linux contact between these people and growth Linux knowledge and if possible make joint activities. --
